He waived his right to a jury trial and was convicted after a bench trial in Athens, Georgia of all 10 counts against him, including malice murder. He will be sentenced later today. Odd that the righties have not been tracking this, the trial has been going on since Friday. It sure was a big deal BEFORE the election. Man convicted of murder in killing of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley
Sad. Justice and sentence should be severe. Let’s hope no migrant commits a crime in perpetuity regardless of the party in power.
Execute him and put him on a bus back to NYC eta: I'm a libertarian so I don't really support the death penalty. But I'll make an exception for this bad hombre and most other illegals.
He will be sentenced to life in prison without parole and us taxpayers will be paying for his food and housing for the next 50. If not for Biden and friends Laken Riley would be alive and this creep would be back in Venezuela.
While it's admittedly off-topic using the same logic if W and the Republican Congress hadn't let the assault weapons ban lapse maybe the students at Newtown, Parkland and Uvalde who were shot with AR15 type rifles would be alive today and the taxpayers of Florida wouldn't be paying to house and feed Nikolas Cruz for the next 50 years (the other two shooters were killed or committed suicide).
You are right it is off-topic. It is also not necessarily so. There is a good chance Nikolas Cruz would have used other means to commit his crime. Jose Ibarra should not even have been here and was all but invited to commit his crime by being released multiple times and transported multiple times at our expense. Clearly not the same situation.
Sentence: Life without the possibility of parole. Richly deserved sentence. Interesting decision by defense counsel to go non-jury on a murder case. Ibarra had to have been in full agreement for that to happen. I've done that many times over the years, but with MUCH less serious charges in cases where there is no viable defense, but the client refuses to plead. It's referred to as a "slow change of plea" or "slow guilty plea", the thought being the judge won't bang them as hard if they don't waste all the time associated with a jury trial.
Could that be a reason for appeal? I would think the judge would have vigorously questioned him about that decision.
Life without parole should be an automatic death penalty. We need to save taxpayer money, and this POS doesn't deserve a hot meal and a bed to lay in. The states need to start cleaning up their books, easy way is to start clearing out people that have zero future.
I do not believe in the killing of the unborn so I cannot sanction us putting people to death- I would put him in solitary and only let him out for 1 hour a day and then kept totally away from any other inmates during that. hour
I too believe in torture in special cases like this. I think removing his testicles and making him wear them around his neck on a string while he is being beat for those 17 minutes is in order.
I'm eagerly anticipating the great Donald Trump replacing our undocumented labor force, appx 9 million strong, with a similar-sized group of people who commit no crime. I'm sure he'll be able to do it. After all, he accomplished precisely this in his first term in office. Didn't he?
I have changed my view somewhat on the death penalty. It should be reserved for the most heinous criminals, Timothy McVeigh, Osama Bin Laden, Danny Rolling, Ted Bundy, and this guy.
Yeah, you won’t have to pay anything- maybe $1.50/day. Really good business model. Of course the leasing of prison labor was outlawed due to abuse.The turpentine industry in FL being a good example.