BLM actually was before Kapernick began kneeling. Not that that's important. The Floyd protests were after Kap knelt.
Oh ok I thought you were referring to righties having a meltdown at the George Floyd protests of 2020. But yes, they also had a meltdown at the BLM protests for Trayvon Martin in 2012 and Michael Brown in 2014. And of course, their meltdown about Kaepernick in 2016. They’re going on a strong 12 years of crying, hopefully Trump getting elected again will shut them up for a while.
Another reason why I don't like professional sports. They, especially basketball, are very much into politics.
I fail to see the connection between kneeling during the National Anthem and duplicating a corny dance the former president performed on TV while blasting YMCA. That's like saying SNL are Trump supporters because they put it into a skit. The real equivalent would be if conservatives tripped out over the Janet Reno dance. Hey, Google that, maybe somebody did.
Bill Maher made the observation months ago that his dance looked like he was jerking off two guys at the same time.
Just run with the ball. No one wants politics in sports. What great display of Patriotism. EDIT: Sorry. Its hard to keep up with the culture narrative shifts on the right. What a bunch of boneheads. lol Cant wait for them to make America great though.
NFL Players should be able to do whatever they want. Has to go both ways. NFL is a private organization. They want to ban MAGA hats and pink hats, so be it. They want to allow dancing like Trump or kneeling during the National anthem, it’s all a business decision. If NFL wants to alienate fans, keep allowing dumb stuff that isn’t entertaining.
And that we could never unsee that. Yep. I laugh every time he (or any MAGA) does it. Now, combine that with the routine he performed on the mike a couple weeks ago and we're talking hardcore gay porn.
Me either. Looking forward to 1% inflation, price reductions everywhere and . . . basically Eden revisited. Anything short of that and. . . . Nah, they're too big a simps to ever hold him to any kind of standard.
and nytime anyone endorsed a republican or anythign they deemed "woke" keep it out unless I support it
You might want to look up the definition of Confession. Or ask one of your FSB partners over a shot of vodka. . . at breakfast no less.
Good job to the athletes having fun doing the dance. That shows support for our soon to be president. I liked seeing it.