I assume at this point when you hear a fellow Republican claim to be for small govt you correct them though, right?
And, once again, you prove that "free speech" just means "speech that I want to hear" for Trumpers. Preventing cognitive dissonance is apparently a good reason for government to restrict speech.
As always, the key question is who decides? The whole point of free speech is to bar the government from deciding what is truth and what is propaganda. Trump has a history of trying to overstep that boundary. If he is going to change and embrace true free speech, I’m all for it, but his recent rhetoric suggests no such turnabout.
No, you proved that you think propaganda should be legally protected free speech. I happen to disagree.
See there, you just made my point. If you don't know what the definition of propaganda is, then why are you arguing for it?
I don't jump for you... And if you can't explain your side without my help, then you have already lost this debate.
I notice a lack of a definition there again. Is it because you don't know what propaganda is or just don't want to provide your definition because you know it will make you look ridiculous? Would you like to try again?
That would seem to be your preference. A government ministry deciding what speech is "propaganda." Pretty much exactly what ministry of truths did.
Okay, let's look. Discussion of LGBTQ issues are banned in Russia as propaganda. That is what you want, right? Russian lawmakers ban 'LGBT propaganda' among adults – DW – 11/24/2022
Are you going to arrest children in school for not recognizing/using "correct" pronouns? How many sexes/genders are there? Define what a woman is... Can a biological man get pregnant? Just answer some of those questions, then we can debate this further.
You aren't debating, you are deflecting. You want the state to enforce that answer to each of those questions to match your answer, like Russia does, by declaring any answer you don't like to be "propaganda."