There it is. Props to Gaetz for talking about these things, but surely he knew he'd put a target on his back in doing so.
The Wikipedia link I posted seems to reflect that 17 year olds are deemed legally capable of consenting to sex in most states. I am not saying that age cutoff applied - legally or ethically - to the Gaetz’ investigation. However, the range of our age of consent laws is consistent with the fact that we see distinctions between 17 year olds and pre-pubescent little kids. The clinical definition of pedophilia is also consistent with such distinctions.
I got the impression from a couple of interviews with him that I watched following the announcement of the Gaetz nomination that although he found Gaetz disgusting he was inclined to vote to confirm Gaetz out of deference to Trump. Now I tend to agree with you especially since he called for release of the House Ethics Committee report on Gaetz. I also cannot see Collins and Murkowski voting to confirm. One more Republican Senator and Gaetz is gone. Interestingly, he can be seated in House when the new Congress convenes. His resignation was effective immediately and remains effective for the balance of this Congress. Since he won reelection he is technically a member of the House for the Congress that will convene in January since I do not believe that he indicated that he has declined to be seated when Congress reconvenes.
Hilarious what Trump supporters will defend now, in service to the Trump. An attorney representing two women who testified to both federal and House Ethics investigators about Gaetz’s alleged misdeeds is coming forward with new details about what his clients told investigators. — His clients, he said, told investigators they attended more than five and as many as 10 “sex parties” with Gaetz between the summer of 2017 and the end of 2018, during his first term in the House. At those parties, they testified, there were “group sex situations” and illegal drugs were present. — One of Leppard’s clients told investigators she witnessed Gaetz “having sex with her friend,” who was underage at the time, against what she recalled as some sort of game table, according to Leppard.
after much thought and many interviews, this is who their savior has chosen to be his champion yielding the sword that is going to bring him swift retribution what does that say about him? do they care?
Simply astounding that they're on board with this nomination. But then, they don't care that he literally illegally tried to overturn an election. And now they don't mind suppressing the investigation results. Pathetic.
I have a hard time believing they've had the goods on Gaetz for years, and haven't taken him down. Why? Is he THAT powerful??? THAT lovable and irresistible. That indispensable? Is he mafia boss??? must be something really compelling that's keeping this guys multitude of enemies from taking him down.
The DOJ and the FBI hate Gaetz. If he did something inappropriate, they would have put him in jail. Stop sharing the false narrative. You people just repeat the BS over and over again to believe it is real.
Don't you think that comment is dismissive and emotionally charged? You accuse him of perpetuating lies without directly engaging with his points. Not cool. You attempt to shut down the discussion by asserting that no charges imply innocence, which appeals to the authority of law enforcement. The absence of prosecution does not necessarily equal innocence. Lack of charges could result from insufficient evidence or the challenges of prosecuting a congressman, not proof of innocence. Right? Alas, your claim that the DOJ and FBI "hate Gaetz,", without evidence to support it, is idle partisan speculation.
In Florida the age of consent is 18. The exception to that under our laws is that a 16 or 17 year old can consent to sexual activity with a man who is no older than 23. If the man is 24 or older, that exception doesn't apply. See F.S 794.05.
What in the wide, wide world of sports are you even talking about? It was despite the fact that I do not like or support Gaetz that I pushed back against gator_jo when he called Gaetz an alleged "pedophile." I noted that the word has a definition, and I think people throw around words like "pedo" and "groomer" too loosely in our politics.
Not sure I agree the medical/psychiatric definition should necessarily control. FS 827.071(1)(a) Sexual performance by a child; child pornography; penalties.—defines a "child" as any person under the age of 18.
"A woman testified to the House Ethics Committee that former congressman Matt Gaetz paid her for sex and that she witnessed President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general having sex with a 17-year-old at a party, her lawyer said over the weekend."
^ LOL. Gaetz paid for sex. I hope they appoint him. It's fun to watch Trumppublicans debase themselves (even further). An attorney representing two women connected to the sexual misconduct probe into attorney general hopeful Matt Gaetz is revealing new allegations, including that his clients testified that the Florida lawmaker paid women for sex.