If he was guilty and there was all this evidence and credible eye witnesses why didn’t the DoJ prosecute him.
Maybe the girl didn’t cooperate ($$$) or lied about her age? It’s one thing to have witnesses, you also need the victim if you are taking it to trial. Seems there’s too much smoke to believe nothing happened here. As I recall there were also online payments (Venmo) to the girl.
I don’t completely disagree. But all that smoke and the DoJ got nothing? I am all in for pedophiles going to jail. But if it was a money grab by a girl who purposely lied about her or based on testimony from Greenberg .. a known liar… seems this could easily be a witch hunt that DOJ wanted no part of.
Yes. But only if there is actual true evidence/proof and not hear say and possibility and maybe could have happens. If the report is just a chance to be used as a hit piece with no real teeth .. then no. If it has credible witnesses, evidence and proof of wrong doing yes. And if not has all Of that I want to know why the DoJ didn’t prosecute.
That's a funny meme. It made me laugh. Out loud. Because it's funny. It's also funny to see what Trump has reduced Republicans and the Republican party to; dropping memes in support of preventing the evidence from even being released.....pertaining to their own investigation into an alleged pedophile. Sad, I mean. In a funny way. You do you though. But hey- didn't the Republican party used to claim to have values? Good luck keeping secret the evidence on your alleged pedophile! Hopefully that will help him become Attorney General of the United States!
Its surprising maga is aligning themselves to gaetz to the level they are. Below is a Repub senator from the deeply red state Ok. it’s fair to say he’s repulsed by the type of person Gaetz is.
You should stop shilling for the Trumpy alleged pedophile long enough to read and learn about the things you opine about. DOJ didn't "get nothing." They chose not to prosecute based on questions of witness credibility. A judgment call. And they probably had plenty of sordid details about Gaetz- he was committing acts with and close friends with the person incarcerated, after all. So now we get a rinse/repeat of many Trump crime allegations; convict the co-conspirators, then they’re "liars" when they testify against the main defendant. Tired and boring by now. But funny to see all the shilling for a Trumpy alleged pedophile.
“Smoke” is not the legal standard for guilt. “I hate him because he’s a MAGA Republican” is not the legal standard for guilt.
So taking Mullin’s quotes at face value, Gaetz fancied himself at one time as Bill Clinton. Except Gaetz wasn’t married at the time. The video thing could be a problem depending on what the videos showed, but who were the congresspeople watching Gaetz’s videos with him is what I always wanted to know. It’s almost as if Gaetz thought that behavior was par for the House floor course.
Alas, he has very little else in his resume and nothing that would qualify him for such a position requiring high trust and integrity.
Ok, taking it at “face value” he mentions gaetz was going around showing “pics of girls he slept with” and what mulllin and his peers saw, it’s was “reasonable” for them to believe he had sex with an underage girl. That’s not Rachel Maddow saying that, thats a Ok republican. Not sure what Bill Clinton over 25 years ago has to do with Gaetz having sex with underage girls at drug-fueled parties.
Well, now we're moving the goal posts. But it is really not up to you to decide if he's qualified for the position, is it? And what good are these so-called "qualifications" if they are merely being used to weaponize the justice system against political opponents? Something Gaetz has proposed to eliminate more than once. Perhaps we should get the justice part right first before we split hairs on "qualifications."
That is not what Mullin says at all in the quotes you posted. He makes no inference that the pics meant Gaetz slept with an underage girl. What he is saying is that the pics made Gaetz a less than sympathetic figure once the allegations came to light. But in no way did Mullin conclude that Gaetz was guilty just because he'd bragged about his conquests on the House floor. And if what Mullin says is true, I sort of get it. I would be reluctant to go to war for Gaetz as well, based on Mullin's account. Not necessarily because I would assume he was guilty, but because it's too risky to go to bat for someone like that. All that said... it doesn't make Gaetz guilty and I'm sure Mullin would concur with that assessment as well. That doesn't mean he feels compelled to stick his neck out for Gaetz. Mullin has to protect #1 first.