Law breakers are upset someone would have the audacity to try to hold them accountable for their actions because in their minds they are not bound by the laws they try to bind others.
Oh ok. So if there isn't enough evidence of criminal activity, 'lawfare' doesn't work and they shut down the investigation. 'Lawfare' only works when there is enough evidence to not shut down an investigation. Got it.
Lawfare is made up, but in the case of Gaetz... he's a damn good lawyer that would shred them in any court of law. They have nothing, and they are afraid to invent something that he can easily disprove. One more tidbit... Gaetz has the goods on the DOJ corruption, first hand. This video below is the very reason why the Dems in congress are very nervous of a Gaetz AG.
it's not the resignation that is the problem it's the lack of qualifications of the replacements and the obvious bias with respect to cases to be pursued, ie J6 cases, cases against MAGA operatives, hate crimes, militias, etc MAGA will try and do what they have been accusing the others of doing, ie weaponizing the justice department. like everything else with MAGA, every accusation is actually a confession
That this country is in deep, deep trouble that will take years to recover from. That action would benefit one group of people only...criminals. Experienced, talented prosecutors do not grow on trees. There was a reason I started my prosecutorial career in traffic court...the most serious thing I could have screwed up was a DUI or misdemeanor weed case. It was years before I was entrusted to handle a murder case and that was after significant stints in traffic court, juvenile court and misdemeanor court before being promoted to felony court and ultimately Felony Division Chief. If Gaetz somehow makes it though this, you will see the immediate departure of many of our most talented federal prosecutors and our country will be very much the worse off because of it. These are highly educated, talented lawyers of very high moral character, they will not put up with Gaetz. Contrast that to the collection of legal sewage Trump has retained in many of his cases to represent him. How many have lost their licenses to practice? Been indicted? Pleaded guilty to significant crimes?
A non-exhaustive list. MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys. All Of Trump's Lawyers Who Have Faced Consequences—As Giuliani Disbarred
The appointed positions, yes. I think what JMDZ is speaking to are the experienced career AUSAs that do the lion’s share of the work. The appointed positions will try cases but manage and set policy for each office.
Here's the lawyer for one of the witnesses in the Gaetz case, who has strongly expressed that the House investigation should be made public. ““She was a high school student and there were witnesses,” the lawyer, John Clune, wrote on X in a plea for transparency of the report. and there were witnesses,” the lawyer, John Clune, wrote on X in a plea for transparency of the report.
US Attorneys submit their resignations at the start of a new administration. The new president replaces most of them while retaining a small number. Ironically David Weiss who is currently prosecuting Hunter Biden as Special Counsel was one of the US Attorneys originally appointed by Trump and retained by Biden.
The allegations of Gaetz are coming from his own party. One of his close friends is already serving time with one of the charges being having a relationship with a minor. Multiple sources have mentioned that Gaetz has done the same thing. It feels so innocent wouldn't you want the report to come out? Why are you in support of a groomer?
Look at the criminality Trump supporters have sank to supporting. It's really no surprise, given what they've supported and enabled so far. In fact, just like we've known all along, it's just Trump dragging people down to his level, into his cesspool of criminality and vulgarity. Exclusive: Woman told House Ethics panel she witnessed Gaetz having sex with minor, lawyer says An attorney representing two women who were witnesses in the House Ethics Committee's investigation into now-former Rep. Matt Gaetz is calling for the release of the committee's report, telling ABC News that one of his clients testified that she witnessed the Florida congressman having sex with a minor. "My client testified to the House Ethics Committee that she witnessed Matt Gaetz having sex with a minor," Florida attorney Joel Leppard told ABC News.
Amazing that the Democrat DOJ didn't prosecute if there are several credible witnesses stating Gaetz committed such a crime.
Those traitorous RINOs have nothing on him, or he would already be in jail. They are dedicated to making the Dems great... again.
Best I could ever tell is Gaetz is suffering from his association with Joel Greenberg. Greenberg attempted to rat out everyone he could to get a reduced sentence in his case. I don’t know of a better cooperating witness the Feds could have had than Greenberg, who had every motive in the world to throw Gaetz under the bus. Unfortunately, Greenberg is already guilty of making false allegations against another individual in order to cause him trouble and so he’s not exactly a credible witness to begin with. But the Gaetz probe no doubt stems from Greenberg attempting to rat Gaetz out.