[ If there's no misconduct on the part of Gaetz Speaker Johnson and the boys should be eager to release the report exonerating him. The reasonable inference from Johnson's reluctance to release the report is that it contains findings and factual material sufficient to torpedo Gaetz nomination once and for all.
The most noteworthy aspect of whether this report will be released or not is....that total normalization of governing with a complete lack of even the pretense of ethics or integrity. The Speaker of the House can't even assert the specious argument that this is somehow "partisan", as the Ethics Committee was/is Republican led. He's basically just saying "I don't care what transparency or good government looks like, and you can do nothing about it." It's absurd. Can anyone even imagine if this type of thing had happened in the past? Ten years ago, members of either party would have recoiled at the flagrant partisanship and disdain for following the rules or the law. I wonder what changed everything? Hmm.
so open senate hearings for all cabinet level positions with a secret ballot to remove all political pressure?
loyalty to individual over party or principle if you were loyal to a party, you wouldn't allow it to be bastardized like this if you had any principle, you wouldn't care about the next election
wonder if they will release the report now that this is out or if there is other damning info they want to keep hidden Woman told House ethics committee she saw Gaetz have sex with minor, her lawyer says Awoman told the House Ethics Committee that she saw Matt Gaetz, who is President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for the U.S. attorney general, have sex with a minor, her lawyer said Friday. “My client testified to the House Ethics Committee that she witnessed Rep. Gaetz having sex with a minor at a house party in Orlando in 2017,” Leppard said.
All I will say is the lawfare is real. If they had something on Gaetz, I see about zero chance DOJ just drops it. He has clashed publicly with Wray and others in the DOJ. If they had something to take him down with, they would.
But you know, the Dems seem to think that people are GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT if you're a Pub in politics. IOW, they're part of the problem when it comes to believing DEEP STATE generated (and MSMS generated) RUMORS about illegalities. They're the deep state's best friend by parroting these RUMORS.
My question is would not the people of Pensacola and surrounding areas have sent him packing by now? Just because it’s a deep red district doesn’t mean they can’t primary Gaetz. Seems like the voters don’t believe it either.
That bible red voting Christian part of Florida would have run him off if they believed that crap the DOJ is espousing.
The people voting "republican" are not doing so based on morals. Look at the people they are electing. These are not social conservatives.
Not all of them in the Pub Party vote though a religious lens, but make no mistake about it, the Pubs do have more religious peoples voting for them than do the Liberals. Enough to make it hard for someone in trouble, real or imagined, for moral turpitude to stay in office. Remember, if you go back a few weeks, several YouTube videos of young AA men changed their mind about Trump because they felt he was being persecuted and prosecuted unjustly. But that did not move the needle in Trumps favor when it came to religious groups.
I think many people lost their freaking minds and forget to use critical thinking when it comes to these unfounded accusations being tossed around. If Gaetz was really guilty of something, he'd already be in jail. How many years ago was his arrest "imminent," so to speak? Still laughing about that...
I don't believe half the accusations leveled at politicians because everything has now been turned into this game of attempting to imprison the other side. However, Gaetz certainly seems like a piece of garbage type human to me. He speaks for organizations like Turning Point and talks about the "Great Replacement". Pretty disturbing to think this type of individual would be in Congress, let alone AG.
If you really want to... "not like" him even more, watch him question Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland about weaponizing their positions in their respective government agencies. He absolutely shreds them... You'll probably hate Gaetz for it even more, but it is quite entertaining.
Matt Gaetz is a very serious man, who truly loves America and keeping Americans safe. Here he is in early 2020, helping to battle against Covid-19.