TSMC is being sued for racial discrimination in Arizona. Welcome to America! Keep your racism in Taiwan. It's o.k., though, they just got $6.6 billion in cash from the U.S. gov't. Time to send them another handout. TSMC sued for race and citizenship discrimination at its Arizona facilities (updated)
Not remotely in the cards. I hope but cannot predict yet that Trump will have a change of heart on Ukraine when he is actually responsible for the outcome, but I am not even a little bit worried about our policy on Taiwan. Defending Taiwan is one of the few national security areas in which realists like Trump and liberal internationalists like Biden are in lock step, though for slightly different reasons. Never mind any posturing or words on the matter; there are good reasons not to talk tough on this issue. If China invades Taiwan on January 20th, then we are going to war that same day. Win, lose, or stalemate, in the event of such a war, a goodly number of Americans are going to die. No polishing that turd. That's why it's so important to deter China from even trying, and my opinion remains that the best way of doing that is to keep punishing Russia in Ukraine, so China sees what happens what you play the game of "That used to be mine, and I want it back!"
This certainly isn't encouraging: "Trump Jr. reposted an Instagram clip featuring an image of Zelensky with the caption: "POV (point of view): You're 38 days from losing your allowance." Trump Jr. mocks Zelensky, Ukraine in meme about losing 'allowance'
Interesting. Is it about race or competency? Or maybe just ease of communication and shared cultural values?
And keep up the tariffs, decoupling and cut them off from any tech they would use against us along with strengthening our partnerships and alliances. For strategic purposes - with a long-term economic benefit - we cannot allow ourselves to need them for anything.
I think you misinterpreted the post. It was a knock against Russian leadership for caring less about their own troops than you, an American, do.
Not making a jab at you, just suggesting the Russian leadership does not seem to value Russian lives or bodies, and casulties seem to have little influence on acheiving the "objectives", whatever they may be, in this conflict. If one studies Russian history even slightly, (I am no expert) but what little I have suggests, no matter who is in charge, or what political ideology is in play at the time, very little credence is given in that culture to the human "costs" of obtaining the goals of leadership. I was simply suggesting your post, which has a level of empathy, does not seem to exist in the Kremlin right now. As far as the Ukraininan side of the fence, Putin seems more than willing to turn a good portion of that country into a rubble pile, destroy the power grid, and kill civilians indescriminately. I imagine it will take a good bit of time for mother Russia to benefit from the current policy objectives, whatever they are, if and when this murder and destruction fest is finally over.
Why would Zelensky be on his way out if Russia was losing ? Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge | Substack
Would you reward the aggressor when the defender wants to continue the fight . Don't try and justify this
NK troops have a choice, die on the battlefield or die in the gulags.. North Korean troops that survive brutal fighting in Ukraine 'will be sent to the gulags' says expert North Korean troops fighting Russia's war in Ukraine are unlikely to be allowed to go home and could instead get 'sent to the gulags,' an expert has warned. There are an estimated 10,000 North Korean troops fighting in Ukraine, according to US intelligence, but if the current trial proves successful, Kim Jong Un could send more. But if those loaned-out troops are hoping to return home as heroes, they could be in for a rude surprise, an expert has warned. Russia expert and author Keir Giles explained to Mirror.com why they might not make it home. But if those loaned-out troops are hoping to return home as heroes, they could be in for a rude surprise, an expert has warned. Russia expert and author Keir Giles explained to Mirror.com why they might not make it home. He said: "There's a good reason why Russia has kept North Korean troops on its territory for now. They’ve had enough trouble with their own Russian soldiers going into Ukraine and realizing how much better life is just living it outside Russia. The individuals in North Korea are unlikely ever to be allowed to return home now they have experienced what life is like outside North Korea, even if it is in regions of Russia itself.