That's what I figured you were getting at, but frankly, that seems like a waste. I'm no fan of Alex Jones. I think he's a scumbag, but his name is his brand. Not Infowars. He'll quickly pivot and re-emerge. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he already had a contingency plan ready to go in the event something like this happened. Seems like this is a situation where they allowed their emotions to make a decision that won't have the intended consequences. Perhaps there is more to it than what we're discussing.
Someone should let AJ know how easy it is to just rebrand somewhere else. He is hysterically panicked. Says the auction was rigged (uh oh, no mucho dinero!), it's a free speech attack (he also doesn't understand what 1A and most of the rest of the Constitution), and that he plans to physically resist displacement. , Hopefully someone lets him know how much he owned this whole process so he can calm down a bit!
As far as I can tell its the same plan he's always had, keep grifting rubes to buy scamy supplements until it blows up again
So a guy who built his career on lies, conspiracy theories and a lot of sensationalized acting is now acting hysterically panicked and you believe that? Now I see how Alex Jones became what he did. He's even able to fool his detractors.
Probably a natural fit. The Onion writers can learn a thing or two about creating funny fiction from the Infowars folks.
Rick, have you ever noticed that everything that happens in the world, no matter what it is, reflects positively on the Republicans, all the way down to Alex Jones being legally forced to auction off his news company? Don’t you wonder whether this string of winning 1,000 coin flips in a row might be a bit too good to be true?
Who was the first person to talk about Epstein island? Just one of many stories AJ has broken. If Democrats weren't scum would they cheer a $965M judgment against Jones for calling calling the Newtown shooting a hoax staged by crisis actors and then apologizing for it multiple times? Plaintiff's attorneys could have gotten $50M+ out of Jones in a settlement but that wasn't their goal. They wanted to silence AJ's voice. What does the Onion get? A few cameras and computers? Not much else, AJ leased the building he was in and never copyrighted his material Jones will carry on as always and the verdict will be overturned. Jones wasn't even allowed to defend himself in court, as I understand it.
So they're just going to keep posting made up stories but at least now they might be a little humorous? What an upgrade
I saw that Jones was posting stuff about how a judge had secretly blocked the sale or something. It will be funny if people believe him and they just take the 'new' Info Wars as truth.
You really think that was a LEGAL AUCTION? Maybe you haven't been paying attention to your propaganda overlords lately.
Part of me hopes it was stolen from him. Dirty piece of crap human being that he is deserves it, but regardless where do you get your non propagandized info?
Oh, what happened to this auction? I guess maybe I was right after all, and it was illegally auctioned off.
To be fair, while he’s perhaps being a bit too definitive, there are apparently some questions as to how the auction was conducted. The consortium that Jones is somehow affiliated with apparently did submit the highest bid in terms of money value, but the trustee accepted The Onion’s lower bid because the Sandy Hook families agreed in it to waive some of their defamation judgment to make more money available for InfoWars’ other creditors. There’s apparently also some concern that the trustee didn’t ask for a second round of bids that bidders had been expecting. The Bankruptcy Judge indicated that he has some concerns about how the auction was conducted and set a hearing for next week to look into whether it was proper or not. That’s from the Washington Post.