People can't even pretend to be surprised. We were warned he'd do this, yet people voted for him anyways. It's going to cause a lot of harm and break a lot of things Americans take for granted. And the fools who supported him will have nobody to blame but themselves.
He said the same thing the first time but the adults set up guardrails. Two failed impeachments, one insurrection, two federal trials delayed and now cancelled later, there are no adults and there are no guardrails. Like I said in another thread, the Senate leadership is only hope for setting any kind of guardrails.
Three voted to impeach him. Just need 1 more to jettison the junk drawer appointments. That and no recess.
Measles Mumps Rubella Small Pox Polio Protussis Diptherya Tetanus Influenza A/B Actually, yes. Until MAGA went flipping nuts, what we were doing was working.
That and clean air, water land, safe food, safe products, safe working conditions, access to health care, all vastly over rated.
....despite the laughably unqualified, if not actually counterproductive, Trump appointments. You left the ending off of your post, so I added it for you.
The joke is that Kennedy will convince conservatives not to inoculate their children and then they'll blame the liberals when that results in their kid getting sick.
Sorry didn’t need your help. But carry on, I know seeing Trump sworn in again will be so enjoyable for you.
Well if that happens those people are idiots. Funny 15 years ago it was all the granola tree hugger libs that were anti-vax. I guess the fringes can find common ground.