Are you just too dumb to understand what I've been saying? I've never once said he won't find anything big to cut. I've said he can't cut 2 trillion without causing serious harm to the economy. And Musk gets billions from the government, not millions.
You are cutting defense? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? Unemployment Benefits? Veteran Benefits? Pensions? If so, how? If not, you just eliminated most of the budget and you are left with about $600B in government spending that if you "audit" and cut by 10% saves us $60B on a deficit of $2T. Congratulations, you are a genius.
So then why say he's guarding the hen house? So your contention is Musk is going to make sure he gets his billions while cutting everyone else? Sure. That's not delusional at all... This is next level cray cray.
LOL. How about we make a bet on the total that Musk/Vivek find to cut/save. You take 60B I'll take the over. I'll wager a good amount on that.
Do you think money going to SpaceX is going to get cut? Money for Elon's Mars expeditions? If you think Elon is going to suggest cuts for his interests, you're the delusional one.
Oh. So you have no idea how the math will work out but you just trust Trump and Elon to work it out. OK. We could have saved a few posts back and forth if you said that originally instead of acting like you see a path. I would be less surprised to wake up with my head sewn to the carpet than I would seeing a budget reduction. Especially with both houses and the WH in the hands of one party.
Again genius, that's not what he's saying. He's not saying Musk will only find 60B to cut. He's saying Musk can't make truly significant cuts without hitting defense, SS, Medicare, etc. You have a serious reading comprehension deficit.
If we are cutting across the board, then yes. Yeah, I think elon is a little smarter than that to only suggest cuts to everything but his interests. This is quite literally own of the craziest arguments I've heard on here, and that's saying something. Arguing that first off he will cut too much if it's 2 trillion, then saying he will cut everything but his interests. You are beyond help at this point...
So I'll take that as your admission you are full of crap and won't bet me. Got it. You are just BS'ing to BS. Thanks for admitting it.
So then he and you should bet me. See, this when I know you aren't serious. I'm sure I'll get the "I don't gamble" routine or some other BS. It's ok. I see thru it. You are just upset your team lost and this is just you rage posting.
Who is arguing that? I thought I kept up with this thread but I do have to work occasionally and may have missed some posts.
You dont even pay for the great sports info provided by this website. I trust you zero to pay any bet. Ask Crowder how that turns out. However, I will be more than glad to say you were right if there is an intelligent deficit cut, but I expect tax cuts and no spending changes.
Ok, if no one will, I will. There is no such thing as objective 'government waste' and any austerity measures would have a negative effect on the economy, especially in the short term. But I am a man of contradictions, so while I would love to slash the defense budget by 50% or more, I also recognize there would be a lot of pain in doing so, because so much of our economy is structured around government spending, subsidies, contracts and various other things that paper over state and local budgets, and all aspects of life. Whatever happens here, there are no cuts that wont inflict pain on the economy, so in effect there is no real waste, as its serving some economic purpose to someone. But conservatives believe the pain is fine, because it doesnt hurt them, especially people like Elon Musk, who have no need of anything from the government other than contracts (which wont be touched obviously lol).
You are a true Elon fanboy. Musk has shown time and time again how biased, selfish, and unbalanced he is. Because he got mad at the libs, he turned twitter into a right wing cess pool, promoting right wing misinformation and censoring the left. And you think he is going to do all that, plus spend more than $100 million on Trump's election bid, only to turn around and call for cuts to federal spending on SpaceX and his other business ventures? Delusional.
Most likely no major spending changes. They'll probably find some token things to make a big deal out of though. Things like PBS and NPR. Even eliminating the DoE won't save much and really just passes costs on to other departments and the states. The promise was 2 trillion though. Even they're not that stupid to actually do it, knowing the damage it would cause to the economy and to the voters.
You sure do love you some govt waste. You’ve spent three pages railing against the very idea of it. Very sad.