They do. They also envious as hell of the west, especially the way the west just left them behind from the 16th Century on. Nice work there Ottomans! Thanks for the kick in the ass.
Try 18th century. It was the peace that doomed them. They got soft from success. Meanwhile Europeans kept slaughtering each other until like 1945, kinda keeps your military up to date when you are always at war.
Interesting. I didnt know that. So the brothers who now think they are sisters created the red pill as a metaphor for their mental illness? And my red pill turned me into the lady in the red dress? Mind blown. Off topic but im hoping Bannon gets announced as press sec.
No, it was cutting off/taxing the shit out of all the trade coming from the east when they took over. So the Portuguese figured a way around them. . . and the rest is history. It was really as simple as that. Petty greed meets ingenuity and a will to overcome an obstacle. It's really a perfect metaphor for the bankruptcy that is Islam. Sort of like the way they killed their own Golden Age and did so with the same reactionary, fundamentalist (see: Morons) forces that still dominate it today. Akbar the Great? Same story. Sufis? Same story. Over and over and over and over again. . . Same story.
We even see this in Spain. First group was great, gave us Cordoba, etc. Next group a bunch of reactionary turds that basically kick start the Reconquista. Islam: The Religion of smashing yourself in the nuts.
You should never appoint a sitting member of Congress for the US Attorney General position. You should dip into the well of US attorneys and federal judges simply because they are far more likely to know what they’re doing in that role. I’m sure Trump could’ve found someone he likes there. But this reeks of promises behind closed doors.
Fun note on Bannon: when he defrauds people, it isn't liberals. It is like the nesting dolls of scams. Bannon decides to scam people that back his stated political position. He doesn't want them to turn on him when it comes out that he is scamming them. So convince the victims that the people lying are those accusing him of scamming them, not him for, you know, scamming them.