"Red pills" are a metaphor for being transgendered, just so that you know. Also, that all goes to my point: in theory, you don't like them. In practice, you vote for and support them. This causes cognitive dissonance. And that forces a variety of techniques to avoid the inevitable conflict in your mind (are you really the type of person who would support a groomer? Or will you stop doing it at psychological cost to yourself?). Those techniques are on display here.
they won on the economy and somewhat immigration they think they go an overwhelming mandate to blow up washington and rebuild the entire gubmnt in the name of MAGA and white christian nationalism while using the resources to root out and punish their perceived enemies or anyone that would challenge their unbridled authority.
That’s what I’m saying. I think they are misconstruing the vote. People like Okee are saying it’s a MAGA-mandate. I think it was the economy and the border, coupled with an unappealing opposition. The prosecution of an unwelcome extremist government will backfire. Unless it actually works.
Is it in celebration of the big L they took to Saladin? I'd probably want to commemorate something successful, not loser shit.
That statement says it all doesn't it? We'll spare him the history lesson for now. Might break his brain.
Nice. Have not been to Loveland in many years. This year I only have an A Basin pass & a Copper 5 pack. Hope to maybe get down to Wolf Creek & or Snowmass. perhaps we can take a run or two some time. I am heading up to Summit this weekend, but I am not planning on taking my skis....my daughter is the snow sports supervisor at A Basin.
We do it every time we say "Israel has a right to defend themselves" and crack skulls of some protestors ... its America, if you are killing Muslims we are ok with it, and in fact encourage it
I have not purchased a pass yet for this year as I've added a product line to my business that will keep me busier in the winter months. (And I simply don't bother skiing on weekends anymore... 3-4 years ago I was getting 40+ days in) We'll see how it goes. But meeting up to ski would be great.
Think bigger picture.... 4 years of these appointees, and the elections will be far more difficult to cheat and to steal. And millions more Rogan warriors will be ready to vote Pub. I think dishonest elected officials will be harder to find and less likely to win. That's if we can get the RINOs out of the way.
I wouldn't get too fussed over it. Just a natural reaction to the centuries-long military expansion of Islam. Plus, the knights were getting too plentiful and problematic, so we needed to find something for them to do. It is interesting that Muslims get so fired up about the Crusades - which they WON BTW - when it only affected about 5% of the Muslim world at the time. Meanwhile, Genghis Khan alone probably killed 30 Million Muslims and his invasions negatively affected 80% of the existing Islamic world. And, yet, there is a 100ft statue of him in Mongolia . . . and not a suicide bomber in sight. Selective outrage much? Gotta do something to cover up all that envy. Thing is, it's just so boring. Again, if I'm doing the medieval thing, I'm rocking Lions (Normans). Those dudes were the epitome of badass.
If MAGA’s radical ways work, you will be proven correct. If they don’t, expect the backlash. I don’t like radicalism on either side, so don’t misinterpret my post as hoping for someone like AOC to take the reins of our government.
IF he delivers lower prices and higher wages. IF he doesn't. . . . Expect the TicTok crowd to flip hard the other way. We are officially screwed now. These people vote.
Dont forget in one of the Crusades the Christians got bored and turned on themselves and sacked Constantinople instead.