You’re probably right. but it’s a discussion board. I was hoping he or someone would explain what the hypocrisy is supposed to me.
Just because there hasn't been one in a while doesn't mean there will never be one again, especially right now with the world on fire. Given I feel more confident for young men with Trump in office. If Kamala had won, I had no doubt a draft would've happened at some point. And da*n right men still have to register. I still remember registering on my 18th birthday. Thought nowadays I think it's automatic. Even if you didn't register you can still be drafted as a man. And if you didn't register you lost any ability to get any type of federal or state student aid or student loans for college. Funny how women never have a condition like that to get federal or state student aid or student loans.
The hypocrisy is women demand no one gets to determine the fate of their body, that they alone control their body. But yet men, via a military draft, absolutely have no control over their own body and can be turned into nothing more than canon fodder if the government decides. If men at the end of the day do not have 100% control over their bodies, neither should women. The answer is easy. End the military draft for men and allow abortions. Or require both men and women to register for the military draft at 18, no exceptions. But of course the military industrial complex, feminists and the Democrats will never let men get out of the military. Someone has to be canon fodder right?
You think the women who favor abortion rights are also adamantly pro-draft? I'm guessing they're generally not. So, they're obviously not the hypocrites. But those who want to limit or eliminate the right to abortion and give government control over the women's bodies ... how do you think they feel about including women in selective service registration? I'm guessing they're mostly opposed. That would make them the hypocrites, right?
They already are. 7-of-10 states that had amendments passed them. And FL will pass it the next time it gets on the ballot (pot too). Dobbs is not the panecea the Pro Life movement thinks it is and might even become their biggest nightmare. You could argue it's already been removed from the national political debate (or is being removed). . . and by Trump no less. Also, why is it your's or mine or the government's business what my neighbor's daughter does when she finds herself in that position? Why should non-effected people even have a say in this?
The hatred and contempt you consistently display for our military is truly amazing. So, in your eyes, the US Military is just one giant Gay Bar, right?
He's probably right about Gays and Trans, but women are too woven into the framework at this point. And, again, these are volunteers and good kids. Why do all these MAGA guys feel the need to bash them?
I don't know what their position on the draft may be but I do know that 10 out of 10 pro-abortion women have never experienced abortion ............ as the aborted child. Perhaps "my body, my decision" is a not only somewhat selfish ...... but also grounded in ignorance since the pro-abortion entity has never been aborted? I don't know but ...... maybe?
Lol, I win I guess. Can't imagine someone so mentally weak they block content from the Internet so they can not be butthurt. This person will have a bubble that AI will just love to manipulate.
well i guess that excludes all new vaccines forever then. hasn't been around forever, nope, i want to spread an infectious disease and disable my unit because some orange idiot said so and some other idiot on tiktok agreed
that has already happened, not AI but fellow tinfoilers and foreign agents helping to sow internal dissent. those people show no ability to entertain any other concept of reality
Very true, but segregating content or discourse will lead to information back to those people/algorithms. Sometimes it's best to not put that kind of information out there. I've never blocked inputs, I block outputs. I want your info, I don't necessarily put mine out...
Video description per YouTube: Liberal mainline churches are gravely concerned by obvious pranks (the "report to your plantation" text messages) and obvious trolling (a guy who told his followers not to vote for Trump saying "Your body, my choice"). All clips from worship services on November 10, the weekend after the 2024 elections.