Don't hyperventilate over 2 trillion, govt always uses the old 'over 10 years' formula...these guys will be no different.
Ignorance still limiting yours I see. Trying to explain in terms the target audience can understand. Still too many syllables I see. Maybe I will find cartoons to help explain it to you better since you are clearly over your head here.
I agree Congress will need to be more specific and the committee reports will need to be more clear on Congressional intent. I partially disagree on waiting on Congress. Vacating Chevron deference pulls power into the judiciary from the executive branch. It is actually a better check on power and something that puts power back to the people (assuming jury trials). I think it is a boon for the legal and services industry and highly accomplished people to articulate alternative points of view from the Executive branch regulations. There will definitely be more case law than ever and a need for the judiciary to grow their competency.
The best approach would be to inflate our way out of the debt and crash the yield interest on bonds currently held by China and Japan. The rest is an IOY box with SS and Med. He can hang a “Come and Take It” flag on the White House. In other words, they want to redistribute wealth from boomers and Gen Xer’s to Gen Y, Z, and alpha. I don’t have any issue with this. boomers and Gen Xer’s have lived during some substantial growth years.
I have no idea why you are so up in arms about the President wanting to get ride of Govt waste. I'll never understand that from anyone. Stop playing politics for once. I know, a big ask...
2/3 of the debt is held in the US ... can't really inflate our way of out of it without hurting pension funds and other fixed income retirees.
They aren't being paid, so why do you care? Just because they are on the other team doesn't mean hate everything about them.
Sure there might be some efficiency but you have to be pretty uninformed to post the need to cut $2T out of the budget and think its coming from efficiency. Only Defense and Social Programs are big enough to do that - and I'll believe that when I see it. I bet in efficiency the most you could get is $30-50B with a 5-10% efficiency cut in government services. Which is about 1-2% of the $2T target out of the budget.
Two egomaniacs to run a single government agency dedicated to efficiency. That’s awesome. It appears that one of the biggest winners from this election so far is The Onion.
LOL. The US Govt admitted that they basically threw away $236 Billion in 2023. So you are way off and if you think that is the total number then that tells me a lot about you. Again, why would anyone be upset that we have people auditing our spending? It's almost like people are afraid of what they are going to find...
So you're hoping they only cut $200 billion per year? That's doable but it won't come close to the covering the lost revenue from all of Trump's tax cuts. Deficit will get bigger.
Well if Trump gets mass deportations and high tariffs on everything, the inflation is certainly coming.
LOL. We don't know until we try. You are ok with the status quo and are seemingly fine with govt waste. I'm not.