My guess is most have no idea what the DOE does or spends. $79B Budget $36B Title one aid to impoverished school zone disproportionately in Trump states - about $12B is Head Start $25B in school loan aid $13B for disabled student via IDEA Act $7B in work training and adult learning programs That's pretty much the focus. There is almost no federal focus on education content. What are conservatives actually trying to do here?
Florida's voucher program has been a dismal failure. Of the top ten states with top public schools, 7 are typically blue states, 8 if you ignore this election cycle. Florida is #42. Public School Rankings by State 2024 We spent over $250,000 on treadmills for home schoolers last year for PE. We are spending over $200 million in vouchers, most of which go to small christian schools and pop up schools in strip centers that end up taking the money and then go under. Until they opened it up to everyone, regardless of income, there were ZERO top private schools on the list of schools taking the vouchers. Yeah, let's make the USA just like Floriduh. Good grief.
Sure, why support American children w disabilities? And what good could it possibly be to provide enrichment for students in low income communities? I don't think gutting the DoE is the big $ saver you're looking for.
Isn't that what's already happening now and has been happening under DOE stewardship? Do you have any idea how many hundreds of thousands of H-1B visas have been issued over the past years for companies to fill skill positions where there was a shortage of skilled labor stateside? Many of these are high-tech or post-graduate level positions. As far as wealthy flight, can you really blame them? If their children could receive the same quality education at a public school, wouldn't they be inclined to save the expense of private education? Most wealthy people became wealthy not by spending frivolously. Obviously, there's a major value add for these folks paying for their children to go to private schools. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with our public school system falling apart at the seams.
This is an interesting study I read before. This relates to the title 1 plus special ed funding i highlighted as $36B and $13B above. The Department of Education’s budget tug of war: Congress vs. presidents Following the Department’s first appropriations during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, it experienced moderate expansion under the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. After this came a period of rapid expansion from 1996 to 2005 (most of Bill Clinton’s presidency and the first half of George W. Bush’s), which persisted through several partisan arrangements in Congress. The substantial (64%) growth in K-12 funding that occurred under Clinton was due to the continued expansion of existing programs (such as vocational training and in-school drug intervention) and the introduction of new programs like 21st Century Community Learning Centers (for out-of-school programming), as well as support for bringing technology into the classroom. During the Clinton years, the president’s request and congressional appropriation differed by a mean of seven percent. During George W. Bush’s tenure, K-12 appropriations peaked at $60.3 billion real dollars in FY 2006 during a Republican trifecta.accompanying funding into the federal budget, including teacher incentive funds, STEM professional development, and the Reading First program. Immediately after its peak, however, K-12 funding dropped by 10% for FY 2007. The brunt of the cuts were borne by the recently introduced Bush-led programs. This era of funding cuts extended to 2012, which encompassed the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009. During Obama’s first term, the budget declined by four percent each year on average, in real dollars, cumulatively amounting to a 23% decline from its FY 2006 peak in the FY 2013 budget. These cuts seeped into the Department’s evergreen programs. For example, Title I and special education funding dropped by $1.2 billion and $2 billion in real dollars, respectively, during this time.
1. Results under existing Dept of Ed. You need to define what you mean by “results”. Happy to engage in a discussion if we agree on facts. 2. Doctorate. Not many Americans want to seek non-compensation driven PhD or similar. It’s a reality. Economics matters. Immigration is good. The openings for the smartest in the world to immigrate here is a good thing. The H1-b applications have been roaring since the 60’s. Also a good thing. 3. Economic flight. I don’t blame anyone. It’s a reality that people want to be around their “kind”. It’s up to society to decide if self-segregation is in the best interest of allowing for a divide. I’m not for the idea of curated content. Show me the worts. At some point you will be confronted by it and either shrink or grow.
Very informative. So, both parties saw this as a benefit to reallocate and invest. The Dept of Ed mission is sound.
Disagree. Maybe you mean broadly informed? I see Red / blue is irrelevant. It’s money and results. There are smart and intelligent people in every state.
you like prayer in schools? rapid expulsion? you like political winds being in control of subject matter? no teacher protection from helicopter parents of little johnny can do no wrong?
got to have someone to pick the food, wash the dishes, clean the bedpans, kill the chickens, build the roofs, mow the yards......after we expel all the immigrants doing the hard labor today. and many that can will end up self deporting to be in control of their own destiny rather than have to live in fear even if they aren't caught. tighten up that labor market some more