I'm willing to wager that Tesla will be granted a full or partial exemption from Trump's tariffs on products imported from China.
No. Additionally, the vast majority of components used in the cars that are assembled in the US come from China.
The ones sold here are made here. Did I really have to clarify that? Why would Musk import cars that are going to be sold in other countries?
If you & I are the only makers of widgets, it is the same thing if the gov puts a 7500 tax on your widgets as them putting a 7500 subsidy on mine. Trump is proposing 200% Tariffs on Chinese EVs which would be a far bigger "subsidy" to us EV makers than they currently have. &, besides, the current subsidies aren't for all EVs...there are restrictions that heavily favor domestic producers.
I don't know if this is off-topic or not, but BYD would sell a $hitload of vehicles in the US, even with a 200% tariff.
the poster was talking about parts/materials that Tesla imports, not cars. fyi, I don't think there would be an exception for Tesla IMO this article is unclear wrt to chinese made vs. all teslas, but rest assured tesla USA is using some chinese stuff. Tesla cars and components are almost entirely "Made in China"
They import a fraction of their parts from China. Considering 72% of their parts come from North America, I am guessing they'll figure out a way to make due. It's not like they get everything from China. I see the butthurt is real with you.
About 9% or Tesla revenues are for sales of BESS and eligible for a 30% ITC. This is not on the Trump cutting room floor. Shrug.
Smart to cut government spending by creating a new department and hiring two people to do the job of one person… Off to a good start!
Wouldn't he just import them to whatever country they're being sold in? Is your butthurt clouding your mental faculties?
Tesla builds cars in Shanghai = cheaper than US. Tesla pays import fees to US to bring cars from Shanghai = still cheap. Tesla getting ass kicked in China by BYD, business falling in China. Tesla builds cars in California = not cheap. Tesla threatening to shut down California factory. Tesla shuts down California factory and imports cars from Shanghai since Tesla not selling cars in China anyway. Cost. Margin. Placate daddy Xi.
I love the idea of this. I've said for a long time, they need to get someone who understands finance and business to look at the military budget and they should get 10% for all the waste they cut from the military while not hurting the readiness of our troops. A ton of money is being wasted there and elsewhere in government.
Honestly I don’t think too many people will care if there is a 200% tariff on cheap Chinese EV cars. There’s not even any proof they would pass NHTSA standards.
If they pass safety inspections. Based on how long many Chinese products last I’m not sure people would be happy in the end..
NHTSA standards shouldn't even prevent importation of anything Chevron deference is kaput. Perhaps this kind of administrative state BS will go away one day.