Alfie is a local MAGA pied piper. Runs a big ag operation and was pub party chair for Collier County until he failed to get his candidate application in time to make it on ballot. Sent two bus loads of nice peaceful people to J6. Raided today by a branch of the defense department I don't think I have heard of before (DCIS). Likely related to fraud on a big gubmnt contract but still uncertain at this time. Alfie is big time in Collier County. Nice house, few awesome boats, big farm top table stores and restaurants and MAGA central HQ. Apparently him and his wife just defaulted on $4.5M loan to Florida Farm Bureau too Another Trump pardon waiting to happen... Oakes Farms $238M contract with Department of Defense could have caused agents to swarm warehouse and home WINK News is trying to understand what reason would warrant three big-name government agencies to swarm Oakes’ home and warehouse. Kristen Ziman, a retired police chief and WINK’s Safety and Security Specialist, said this situation likely involves financial crimes. “You’re looking here with these three agencies, specifically the DCIS, the IRS and the Secret Service, you are looking at some sort of financial investigation, some financial malfeasance of some sort,” Ziman said. Oakes Farm had a contract with the Department of Defense in 2022, managed by the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support. It’s a $238 million contract to supply fresh fruits and veggies to the military and schools in Alabama and the Florida panhandle. “If federal funds, contracts or resources are involved, these agencies are warranted in investigating to ensure that public funds are safeguarded against potential fraud or misuse. So, the fact that all of them have come together in such a large scale, it does identify some significance here,” said Ziman. Whether the contract is the reason for the swarm of federal agents or not, one thing is for sure, Ziman said: this collaboration suggests something serious and complex is being investigated. “They just didn’t go raid the home, you know, out of, you know, just some spare, some sparse information, this investigation has likely been going on for a while, and it’s anyone’s guess for how long, but you know now they have moved to the point where they had enough probable cause to get a warrant for his home, and, you know, for the warehouse tells you that there is a lot of evidence that is mounting and that has probably been collected over some time,” Ziman said.
especially when you are a darling of the head grifter between this and the MAGA sheriff in lee County under federal investigation, two of the biggest MAGA cheerleaders down here, along with Byron Daniels, are under investigation..weaponization of the DOJ. How dare they target criminals?
I saw this on the local tv news the other day. When questioned by reporters about it this scumbag’s answer was to keep repeating “Go Trump”. “ Go Trump”. Apparantly it wasn’t just the feds, he also has issues taking money from the state of FL and not paying. Though I assume the raid must have been the $238 million moreso than the $2.8 million he supposedly owes FL. Why are the feds giving this guy $200+ million in the first place. Crazy.