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Policy thread - post election

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by slayerxing, Nov 11, 2024.

  1. slocala

    slocala VIP Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    I am not talking about Trump, but the legislative branch:

    1. pass a bill-partisan immigration law that can last more than 4 years.
    2 improve ACA. Call it Trump care. It’s popular, so just improve it for the middle class. Get the insurance and PBM’s to work with patients and improve outcomes.
    3. Work to destroy pillar 2. The us just needs to double bird EU and tell them eliminate it or we tell Putin no worries. Fine with eliminating taxes on tips, but impossible to administer without massive regulations. I charge $1 and get $1m in tips? Sounds dumb and unserious.
    4. Help the middle class by allowing more local bank charters. Too many people are underserved and underbanked.
    5. Bring back critical manufacturing to the US. Has to be a blend of AI, robotics; and jobs to achieve a market forces pricing equilibrium. Go after China and countries with child labor and currency manipulation.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    im kinda surprised you don’t feel like these are state issues outside of the border/taxes. Because how can you limit government but then ask government to regulate gender and dei? Seems contradictory.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    For me it’s more of putting things back the way they were.
    Another way to deregulate.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    After reading through Trumps priorities:

    1. Tax cuts for me - sure I'll take them
    2. Space exploration (moon/Mars) - Im in favor of bold goals of exploration - it is who we are and is unifying in spirit.
    3. Immigration reform, like upthread, I'd like to not have this as a constant issue - not a fan of his proposal specifically.
    4. Getting Russia to withdraw - believe it when I see it

    Do not support
    1. Trade - hopefully tariffs fail to happen
    2. Education - Mainly concerned about the intentional deconstruction of education in the country
    3. Criminal Justice - Jan 6 Pardons for actual criminals would be malpractice
  5. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    like 2 and 5 especially . lol at trump care. That’s a good idea.
  6. slocala

    slocala VIP Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    Obama literally told him to rename it and take credit for making it better.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. OklahomaGator

    OklahomaGator Jedi Administrator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I don't agree on 1, until we get the debt and deficit under control. 2, 3, and 4 look good to me.
  8. slocala

    slocala VIP Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    You’re going to get them and like it gosh darn it!

    Use the excess for NIL if you don’t want them. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    Attempted, but not absolutely in order of importance;

    1. Universal health care.
    - Perhaps Medicaid for all.
    2. The Grand Bargain
    - generalizing; cuts to Social Security coupled with increased top tax bracket rates.
    3. Repeal of the (birthright citizenship part of) the14th Amendment
    4. Abolition of the Electoral College
    5. Supreme Court term limits
    6. Comprehensive immigration/labor reform;
    - IMO this means approximately the same amount of workers, but documented and taxed, employers SEVERELY taxed for using illegals. (Border issue solved!)
    7. Continued opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    8. Deficit reduction
    9. Increased firearm regulation; citizens don't need weapons of war for self defense.

    ^ A collection of lofty goals, but you asked what I would want.

    That said, there's no reason to expect any of this, nor really anything. We're not at the cusp of some major policy renaissance - we've got a blueprint of what Trump will be able to, even try to, accomplish; absolutely nothing but tax cuts for corporations and the rich.

    So that said, I'll actually be satisfied with building a wall and legitimately trying to deport appx 12 million illegal immigrants. Because that will be fun and funny to watch. :)
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    I kinda meant what would you want from THIS specific government - especially in the first two years. The deportation stuff will certainly be interesting and perhaps even historical to behold.
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  11. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    That's what I've wanted from any government, for quite some time. So yes, this one.

    If you think about it, almost everything I've said is politically a massive, if not undoable, lift..... but theoretically not outside the realm of possibility.

    So again, there's no reason not to want this government to do specifically what I've wanted any and all to do.
  12. gator34654

    gator34654 GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 5, 2007
    I appreciate the OP. Hopefully we as "Gators" can be more civil to one another, debate yes, name calling no. We will never see eye to eye on probably most things, but doesn't mean we have to be mean spirited about it. I'll work on me.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
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  13. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. slocala

    slocala VIP Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    Wong Kim Ark will be repealed by this SCOTUS, so no need to worry about 14th amendment.

    I am going to give you giant disagree. Birthright citizenship is a fundamental bargain our country made. It shouldn’t be repealed.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    Lol. I'm open to the possibility that I have it wrong. I think its just outlived it's purpose, which pertained to the post-slavery environment, correct? Never understood how fly-ins and border crossers giving birth here should ensure citizenship....

    Plus, it's a legitimate bargaining chip to promote rationality in the debate.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. slocala

    slocala VIP Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    Mic drop.

    @gator_jo and @Orange_and_Bluke sitting in a tree KiSsInG.

    JK. Glad you agree on something, but you both are wrong :cool:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    I double checked to see if I read it wrong. And then I looked again and yep, it was crazy Jo.
    He got something right.
    ….i think. Let be triple check.
  18. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    Well, if you'd actually stop soiling yourself over posting witless GIFs and did some thinking, you'd realize that the "all libbies are cRaZy LeFtIsTs!" narrative is really just a thread of the dishonest fabric woven by your hateful con man.

    Also, it's kind of a 2-way street, not just on this;
    - up top taxes...AND... cut SS benefits.
    - if parts of the 14th may be outdated, so may be parts of the 2nd
    - if the 14th should be amended, so should the Trumpy dipshittery and lies about immigration.
  19. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    Pretty good list but I'll go with the following:
    1, 3, and 4 are doable with control of the house. 5 and 7 done deals. 6, not sure what permanent means, lose control of the house in the future and it's not so permanent. 9 and 12 would be nice but not sure how realistic that is. For no. 9, I would take just getting rid of baseline budgeting for departments.

    The rest not gonna happen.
  20. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    You do know that Trump expanded the federal debt in his first term more than any other president in history, right? Besides, how is Trump going to "squash DEI" and "change bathroom signs" without expanding government? Did you think Vance was going to do those things by himself?

    You do know that Trump "secured" only 2.5% of the border in his first term, right?

    And guess what? Trump's first term benefited from an economy that finally recovered from the 2008 real estate collapse. It doesn't look like there will be any such good fortune for Trump in his second term, although he is not inheriting a bad economy from Biden, who got Covid under control (something that Trump could not do) and reduced the inflation resulting from Covid spending back to normal levels.

    Those DEI people have been waiting a long time to get out of the closet. If you think Trump is going to force them back into the closet, he will embarrass himself trying. They will protest the White House (in full costume, if you know what I'm saying) for as long as it takes. There aren't enough jail cells for all of them.

    I think you are confusing the terms "actualize" and "vaporize". They don't mean the same thing.

    Good luck with the bathroom signs. Seems like something a Trump republican would obsess about.
    • Funny Funny x 1