Not the least bit surprising and frankly, expected. CNN — Authorities across the United States are investigating after racist text messages – some with references to “slave catchers” and “picking cotton” reminiscent of the country’s painful and bigoted past – have been received by children, college students and working professionals from unrecognized phone numbers in the wake of the presidential election. The NAACP president warned Thursday of possible broader implications of the hate-filled rhetoric reported in more than 20 states from New York to California, and the District of Columbia. Attorneys general of both parties are condemning the messages and vowing to root out their senders.
It will only get worse. The texts you referenced plus the " your body, my choice" bullshit. They are just getting started.
There is literally no difference. That said, I have seen this up-close and in person. The rednecks who were goose-stepping in the streets Wednesday morning in their MAGA hats and banners, taunting any driver who had a Harris-Walz sticker were MAGA trash, and not the Russian variety.
Decisions have consequences. Democrats just learned that lesson after making some of the ill fated choices of the past 4 years. The faux Christians, blacks and Hispanics who just voted for what is about to come next will learn that lesson over the next 4 years.
I tried to start a post on this and it was deleted … you might want to remove the reference to the obvious group of idiots behind these texts…. Some of them are very fine people….
MAGA in Poland? Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said in a video statement posted on XFriday that "some" of the racist text messages "can be traced back to a VPN in Poland." Text service says it shut down accounts allegedly behind racist messages
They'll learn. As will the self-professed anti-Trumpers who enabled Trump's enablers at every turn. And the Republicans who ignored every off-ramp they were offered, which was many. Trump won't end any better for America than he started. He's been telling us that and who he is for well over the last 9 years.
You don’t know what a VPN is how it works…. Their only purpose is to hide the origins of internet traffic and make it untraceable . My VPN is also based in Europe.
Yeah, that VPN wouldn’t mean anything. This isn’t a sophisticated hacking operation. It’s just some people that got their hands on a phone list sending spam. Could be domestic, could be foreigners. Wouldn’t surprise either way. Theres also a couple MAGA fugitives who now do work for the Russians. None of it would surprise.
When are you guys going to quit posting lies.......Your title reads "Finest in MAGAS" I don't think you have any legit grounds to call the people making these references MAGAS at all. And calling them the Finest in MAGAS is certainly lefty lying BS. With headlines like that you could get a job writing headlines for the MSM.
I'm so glad you all are going to keep pushing this crap for the next 4 years. What better way to ensure Vance wins in '28.
I agree - those MAGA people aren't very "fine". Although there really are some very fine people on both sides.
The obsession with Russia is pretty retarded. Russia is our natural ally. Your brain needs to be debugged with anti-virus software Were Democrats ever this hostile to the USSR? Not from what I've read. Liberals seem incapable of having enemies on the political left. Or so it seems
Keep posting these hit pieces about MAGA voters... it worked so well in the elections. LMFAO! I hope your Dem politicians keep up the good work too.