He actually sounded Presidential and cognitive. He also seemed very happy. I would bet anything that he and Jill(wore Republican red to vote) voted for Trump Vance. biden post election speech - Google Search
He looks and sounds happier than he has in a long time. I think the cognitive part was the teleprompter, but still.. you could see a gleam his eye. Jill Biden's outfit was the clincher. He's been rooting for Trump for a while now. Trump was brilliant to publicly mourn that coup. Imagine if you were in Biden's shoes. Impossible for him not to appreciate Trump for doing that. Lord knows Trump didn't have to.
Yeah.. he hasn't spoken like that since his SOTU speech 10 months ago. This may even top that one. He was beaming. I can't wait to get the inside details on this, as the media has been covering it up.
That's how a president with class and integrity does it. And no, they did not vote for the guy who tried to steal the election from them in 2020.
Well, he stepped down as requested, even after winning the primaries. Now he goes down the only person to ever beat Trump in an election. (Unless you count Pat Buchanan ... but only because Trump withdrew after winning both primaries in 2000)
They absolutely voted for Trump. A First Lady doesn't wear red to the polls where they know there will be 2,000 cameras. It was a huge finger to Kamala, Obama and the other leaders of the coup.
Hard not to see this and not be a little bitter about what we’ve had to endure over the last 4 years of Trump never conceding and lying his ass off to his electorate, irreparably damaging faith in our elections, trust of government and it’s institutions. Now all of a sudden he’s oddly silent as can be.