Saw on both Fox Business and CNBC that the panels last night looked at Florida being practically done counting in such a short time after the final polls closed and made comments to the effect that whatever Florida is doing should be the model for all of the states. As of 11/6 this afternoon, these states are nowhere near done counting. They should be embarrassed: Alaska 74% Counted - Little ole Alaska in terms of number of voters should have been wrapped up with their small vote count first thing this morning at the latest. Arizona 67% Counted - Seems like delay, delay, delay followed by a vote count drop followed again by delay, delay, delay. California 58% Counted - Incompetence at its worse. Colorado 75% Counted - Another lower count state that can't seem to count votes. Oregon 74% Counted - See Colorado. Washington 64% Counted - See Colorado and Oregon. With the exception of Alaska, all of these states that can't/won't count votes are run by democrats. Hey guys, just look at what Florida is doing and copy us. The state of Florida does elections right.
Those states are trying to come up with 6 million votes for Harris. And to think there were approx 20 million fewer voted for potus in 2024 than in 2020. Those states would have been in deep "stuff" had those dead people voted again in 2024.
I wondered the same thing last night when Florida results were up shortly after the polls closed. It ain't rocket science.
So you think it’s part of a conspiracy? Who is coordinating it, Obama? delays in Pennsylvania is due to the maga led state senate. They refused to pass the pre-canvassing bill which many states have. Not passing that bill delays the count. Supposedly repubs - “by limiting pre-canvassing, final results are delayed, which can create a “red mirage” on Election Night that might show Republicans leading in initial in-person votes, only to shift later as mail ballots are counted. Some Republican lawmakers believe this delay could benefit their candidates by shaping early perceptions of the race.”
Colo is also a legal natural psychedelics state. We prioritize freedom. try readin' this.......on shrooms. to Count to One Thousand.pdf
Oh I’ve done plenty of research on micro dosing. Plenty of drug trials looking at it to treat depression, OCD. Thus far the data hasn’t shown much support in their use. Hard to do a true placebo trial.
wha? I think most people enjoy them for the fun factor. Do u not like fun? Macro dosing is where it’s at!!
In this era, it is completely unacceptable to be unable to tally an election vote within a couple of hours max. Tally your votes and do your recounts if the final tally is within the margin of error. The truth is there is a lot of corruption out there and people would rather look the other way than to fix it. But it's obviously sketchy. You telling me California, home to Silicon Valley can't figure out a time-efficient way of counting ballots, but Florida can? And it's always the same municipalities every cycle. Fulton County... shocker.. ran by Dems. Philadelphia...Dems. Chicago has been known for this type of thing for decades. They hold the count to figure out a way to rig. This isn't a conspiracy theory. It's well-known. Florida proves a fast count is relatively easy to do.
The delays are almost exclusively due to varying state election laws about when and how votes can and can’t be counted, and very little to do with conspiracies or rigged elections.
Before 2000, most of South Florida used the infamous punch card, or "butterfly" ballots, and the Panhandle used optical scanners which gave instant results and did not "undercount". I will not make anyone relive what happened here in 2000, but the entire state went to optical scanned ballots immediately afterwards, even for absentees. If you want to know more about why Florida now has a superior and uniform system to most of the country, ask someone over 40.
That seems to be true but one would think those states would chose to get that addressed as to remove any confusion or concerns about suspicious vote counting practices.
Why didn't SOS and Foley put up big bucks and hire Bob Stoops to handle the defense until after the Fiesta Bowl vs Nebraska? Sometimes humiliation is the best teacher.