He’s going to lower taxes and help businesses flourish. I know that pisses you off cuz you’re weird like that.
One of the few policies that he has proposed is a huge tax on companies having to purchase components in other countries.
Interesting that your first thought to that questions wasn't "hmmm, that is strange that I can't answer that pretty basic question" but was rather about my feelings.
I like it. This place was like a funeral home until late last night. Hoping we jettison some of the cold dead libbie meat and add some new fresh pubs in here.
Its pretty lame if you ask me. Regular posters strutting their feathers I have no issues with. Y'all have earned it if that's what you want. the 3 or 4 random people who just dropped in today to talk shit are weak sauce.
I hope this government scores 7 straight touchdowns and we all benefit. Really I do. But if it goes bad, you have no one to blame it on now…
Largely because of who the democrats offered as an opponent and their inability to communicate and define themselves. Most liberal senator from most liberal state with no stage presence and inability to separate herself from inflation. Dems screwed us just like when they gave us Hillary. Biden and his posse led the way this time. You give real America way too much credit. Economy, immigration, crime...that's what real America cared about and we're seriously misinformed on all 3