So if it is not happening, why are there states where it is against the law to notify parents of a children transitioning? Lets say a child starts the process organically, you do not think schools not notifying parents is not encouraging a transition? Yes, Virginia updated their guidance under Youngkin and he won on this issue. That guidance was past last year. The "And?...." is that it is statistically almost impossible to have that many children with gender dysphoria. So why is it happening? You are not getting this. Stop trying to tell me I am wrong and start listening. If you do not want to, that is fine but be prepared to lose a lot more elections. Normie Republicans want to vote for a politician that is willing tell them if their kid is transitioning and not a governor that made his state an official Trans Refuge State. The Shut Up and Hand Over Your Kid is not a winning argument. New Laws - Minnesota House Public Information Services - Minnesota House of Representatives
Well fricken tell me that she brought to the table ? Nothing ! What a horrible candidate! A prop from the idiots Obama and Clinton . Should have left Sleeping Joe alone