The electoral vote- check! The popular vote- check! The House- check! The Senate- check! Whether You Like It, Or You Don’t Like It, Learn To Love It!
I think he's excited because the tomato pickers are due for substantial raises if Trump actual follows through with his deportation threats. Big days for Donzo.
Actually, they aren't. They violated their visas at one point in time by working without authorization. Check the law.
Whatever the hell they want. I have zero faith in their ability to lead this country through the headwinds we're facing. Give them the ball. Let them puke all over themselves and wear the failure like a flaming tire around their necks. Most of all, don't provide them with foils. D, Never Trumpers, etc. should go radio silent and go Belichick mode when asked Trump, MAGA or any of them.
So you are arguing that they are illegally in the U.S. today because they violated their visas "at one time?" I cheated on a Spanish test in the 7th grade. Does that invalidate any of my master's degrees?
Actually, that is US immigration law. You don't get to unring the bell. I don't agree with the law, but that is the law.
Did Biden have a mandate four years ago? Biden drew more electoral votes than Trump and his percentage of the popular vote was roughly the same as Trump's was yesterday (both slightly over 51%) with the total number of votes cast for him at approximately 81 million compared with Trump's 71 million yesterday. In fact Trump drew more votes when he lost four years than he did when he won. While the R total in the Senate will be higher than the D total was following the 2020 election, their margin in the House will almost certainly be lower than the Democrat margin in the House following the 2020 election.
Lot of discussion about whether the election was mostly about the individual candidates, policy differences, or something else. To the extent it was about policies, it will be interesting to see how Republicans interpret the results and how they spend their political capital going forward. Tax cuts are probably a given but repealing and replacing the ACA with something else is trickier, for example.
It's a win, not a "mandate." Roughly half of this country still voted against Trump, and you can't just impose your will on them anymore than they successfully imposed their will on you for these past few years. To get some of the things you want done, you're going to have to negotiate and compromise. Try to dictate, and you'll get zero except the few things Trump can do by imperial fiat. Further, you'll lose the Congress in two years, and the new Democrat majority will impeach Trump for something silly at its first opportunity. If you learned nothing else last time around, take the time to learn that.
It is a mandate from "Real America." The OP is correct. Real America elected Donald Trump...the twice impeached former president, Jan. 6 coup leader, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual abuser, and man who mismanaged the 2020 economic implosion and coronavirus disaster that killed more than 1 million people in this country — has persuaded American voters to give him another term in the White House. After a campaign marked by nativism, open bigotry, and aspiring authoritarianism, Trump triumphed over Vice President Kamala Harris, despite being denounced by several of those who worked most closely with him in his first term as a “fascist.” It cannot be discounted that this IS who America is. The anger from the Right has been building over every Progressive change that has told them they were "wrong," that their religion was corrupted and corrupting. Donald Trump promised, "I will be your revenge." Liberals have for years wanted to Liberate. Conservatives, to conserve. Donald Trump is the price for liberation of women, Blacks, Latinos, LGBT. Liberals believed in establishing a "more perfect union" and that the "arc of history pointed towards justice." Conservatives proved through the new Supreme Court that Federalist policies mean that what was true in the late 18th Century is good enough for them. Real Americans agree.
It’s okay to be gay man. It’s cool. Trump is inclusive…no need to cling to democrat party of hate any longer. You’re safe.
Dude, you are posting multiple replies to my posts, following me from thread to thread, etc. I agree, nothing wrong with being gay. But I'm not. Your attention is not really welcome. I've turned you down. You need to move on with your life.