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Trump's repeated LIES were effective . . . .

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by rtgator, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. ajoseph

    ajoseph Premium Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    What do you think yiure accomplishing. The election is over.

    The Dem’s messaging that Trump is a hypocritical, morally vacant liar was not as effective as Trump screaming that our economy sucks (even if it doesn’t).

    Trump’s messaging and a message was just far more powerful.

    Repeating the same Democratic talking points, the day after the election proved it was not convinced,serves no purpose whatsoever.
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  2. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    and the dems did nothing to document what they inherited and how it has changed since and what the current path is and how the USA compares to the rest of the world.

    terrible messaging/communication skills..again and again..

    let the strongman wannabe paint them as the socialist dictator with the latins..unreal

    how you lose latins to a man that has disrespected immigrants as much as him is beyond me. I guess they all want to start carrying their papers with them and being ready to see their friends and neighbors be deported.
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  3. GatorNorth

    GatorNorth Premium Member Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    What this election proved is 1) that the Dems are still terrible at national retail politics (see Clinton, Hillary) , and 2) all the negative messaging about trump being a threat to democracy, immoral, etc etc etc (especially in light of the fact that Harris did not win a single primary as the candidate) rang hollow with independent voters when compared to their own campaign's failure to owning the cumulative impact of inflation (that's the "economy" voters care about, not where the Dow is, and not what the rate of inflation is TODAY)) and the border (which the Biden administration was 3 years late in admitting to be a problem, which should have been done long before the border bill failed).

    Game. set. Match. IMHO.

    The rest didn't really matter.
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  4. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Yep. And many of them hate the person they voted for.

    Weird times.
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  5. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Literally nothing racist or misogynistic about that post.

    Literally. Nothing.

    You are echoing your parties problem.

    Votes against us equal racist, misogynist, bigoted blah blah blah.

    Toss in the misuse of "nazi".
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  6. gatorchamps0607

    gatorchamps0607 Always Rasta VIP Member

    Aug 14, 2007
    Gallatin, TN
    The problem is that the people who should be offended by Trump and him being racist or a bigot is that he got a bunch more of the minority vote than he did in 2016/2020. Maybe they aren't as offended as some of the liberals are offended for them.
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  7. rtgator

    rtgator Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    My post had nothing to do with "votes against us". I just thought the "kamalamadingoing" slur was pathetic and demeaning.

    But I agree I over-reacted. So I deleted my post.
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  8. gatorchamps0607

    gatorchamps0607 Always Rasta VIP Member

    Aug 14, 2007
    Gallatin, TN
    Do you have pet names for Trump, if so, does that make you racist against white men?
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  9. gatormets96

    gatormets96 VIP Member

    Jul 16, 2023
    Good afternoon, welcome to Trump day!
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  10. CHFG8R

    CHFG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    St. Augustine, FL
    More like they just don't care. And they don't care enough to pay attention to the world at large, so it's no surprise they fall for the wish-sandwich routine. The people who put him over the top aren't MAGA, they're just people who pay no attention and think it's actually possible to turn the clock back to 2016.
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  11. stingbb

    stingbb Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Not a big fan but I supported Trump because there was no way I could vote for the most far left liberal Presidential candidate this nation has ever seen.

    The Dems completely botched up what should have been a slam dunk. They denied for a couple years what we all knew and when Biden’s lack of mental acuity was out there for everyone to see after the first debate, they drove him out and plugged in a liberal from California who at the end of the day, never stood a chance.
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  12. CHFG8R

    CHFG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    St. Augustine, FL
    This is true. The D's have some serious reflecting to do. The whole woke/DEI agenda is a disaster and probably the No. 1 reason he won. Not saying they have to throw it all away, but time to put that sucker on the shelf for a decade or so.

    Personally, I think the only answer here is to build some kind of center-right party to oppose MAGA because the old D model looks DOA.
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  13. reboundgtr

    reboundgtr VIP Member

    Oct 14, 2017
    I don't think people want others to feel sorry for them. Most could care less if you're offended that they're not. Stay in your lane type of sentiment. Besides nobody asked "enlightened" liberals to feel sorry for them. Worry about yourselves first, because they failed miserably this time around.
  14. JG8tor

    JG8tor All American

    Apr 9, 2007
    Trump's lies were effective. We'll just have to hope that the Dems were lying just as much.

    If Trump is truly as dangerous and the big threat to democracy that they say, then this is completely on them. They had to know that Biden was fading and wouldn't last through a grueling election campaign. I'm sure Harris is competent, but they had to know the American electorate isn't ready to vote for a woman - especially one forced on them in the last three months of the campaign.

    By 'they', I mean the national party. The one that saw Biden's decline firsthand (and started covering for it). The one that knows the preferences of each voting demographic state by state, if not county by county, and backed themselves in to Harris's corner anyway. The one that sounded alarm after alarm about the threat of Trump and then signed off on this shit show as the best they could do.

    If the stakes are as high as they claim, they should never have tried to sneak Biden through and held a full primary to find the best candidate. This is on them and if it starts to go down like they say, hand me a fiddle. And (hopefully) if not, I'll just STFU and put more in my 401K.
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  15. rtgator

    rtgator Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Time will tell if any of these statements are LIES.

    Trump's most vile, dehumanizng rhetoric is straight out of Nazi propaganda: migrants who are "animals who infest" and "poison the blood"; opponents who are "vermin" and "the enemy within"; and the free press which is "the enemy of the people".

    Trump"s constant LYING is a reflection of Nazi propaganda's Big Lie . . . say a lie enough and people will believe it.

    He's threatened retribution against the media and his political opponents.

    And he's proposing the deportation of millions. How will he do that without police round-ups and detention camps?

    Open your eyes.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2024
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  16. thomadm

    thomadm VIP Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Who cares, the illegals shouldn't be here. Just one crime is too many.
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  17. thomadm

    thomadm VIP Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Take a chill pill, it's clear your having trouble with the results. No one is swayed by these things, we have heard it for four years or more.

    Attacking Trump is pointless at this point, he's not running for office anymore...
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  18. Donzo

    Donzo GC Hall of Fame

    May 20, 2008
    I feel your pain...

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  19. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    The country is 100% ready to vote for a woman. They’re not ready to vote for one who both isn’t very good at politics and was trying to simultaneously avoid having to talk off script but also try to distance herself from having taken a bunch of crazy positions while in the Senate and as a primary candidate in 2020.
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  20. JG8tor

    JG8tor All American

    Apr 9, 2007
    Maybe, but Hillary underperformed and for all for all of the Pubs that said they were ready to move on from Trump, Haley didn't get any traction either.
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