There isn't 60% of the Right that thinks the 2020 election was stolen. You look foolish. I'd say a good estimate is there is a solid 25% of the far right that thinks that though. I do love the Jan 6 bit you tried to slide in there. Good effort. You seem super upset for an independent. I'm an indy for the most part and wouldn't have cared either way election wise. So that tells me you aren't as "middle" as you claim.
Aljazeera, Politifact, YahooNews ...... LOL!! Definitely places a moderate would look for objective analysis and commentary ..... NOT!!! This guy is the best entertainment on the WWW this AM.
True, but if you're willing to walk a thousand miles in a caravan, tunneling the last mile isn't that difficult at all.
68% on Fox. Still too mainstream for you? That's 68% of Republicans. 77% of the people who voted for Trump thought it was stolen.
Agreement wasn’t the issue. It was use of “the”, which apparently has been coopted by supporters of Ukraine to imply support of Russia. I was kinda joking because as a kid in Canada in an area of lots of family and neighbors from Poland and Ukraine we called it the Ukraine.
Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed Unhinged? Think you confused that with the word accurate.
Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed 68% on Fox News poll. Still too mainstream for you?
68% on Fox News. Or is Fox News still too liberal for you? Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed Who looks foolish now? I have a feeling you'll still find a way to spin this
Isn't is funny though how every single poll was all about 70%? Polls can have a margin of error of about 3-5% but the difference between 70% and "25%" is pretty far-fetched. I'm getting a little tired of providing evidence for people who refuse to accept the reality that most Republicans thought the 2020 election was rigged. 2016 and 2024 when Trump won? Totally fine.
You are posting something from 4 years ago LOL. I'm talking now. Look, I get it, you are extremely upset and I think you are a liberal who is trying to act like you aren't. I'm here for it though! Keep it up. This is hilarious!
The Left when Obama wins in 2008: Elections have consequences - get in the back seat, we're driving now. The Left when Trump won in 2016: Producer of play "Hamilton" singles out Mike Pence - shortly after Trump won - and challenges him in front of the audience at his play "Are you going to deal fairly with those who don't agree with you?" (Paraphrased). Sorry, "heads I win, tails you lose" is not a long term relationship strategy. The Left is learning that they no longer control the narrative and what they are saying is not acceptable to the American people. FYI - Trump was very inclusive in his acceptance speech. Before the Left tries to paint him as the evil, malicious Dictator hounding his rivals (which was done to him) why not see what he actually does?
This guy is posting polls from 4 years ago thinking they apply today. This is hilarious! Oh, but he's an independent LOL...