If Biden really wants to be a unifier, this is a good start. It also saves people a lot of egg on face and time with the cases open against President Trump now. Plus he receives plenty of political cover with it so that him pardoning Hunter is viewed with much less scorn by the right.
Nah, D's should just walk away and give you guys the ball and let everything that happens either be credited to or blamed on Trump/MAGA. Stop providing a foil and let MAGA live or die on it's own policies. If they're right about everything, enjoy your 2% inflation. If, as I suspect, they are wrong about everything, buckle up and limit the damage to yourself when it all goes down in flames.
Biden should have his Justice Department drop all legal action against Trump and Trump should pardon Hunter and have the Justice Dept. drop any actions against Biden and his family. Clean the slate, move forward in unity.
I would go for the first half of this too, but Biden would then be admitting it was wrong for his DOJ to pursue the cases in the first place. With a pardon of Trump, Biden can maintain the appearance of integrity about the process and shield himself from some of the inevitable criticism for pardoning Hunter. I don't think there's a snowball's chance Trump will pardon Hunter Biden, nor should he. IMHO, Trump doesn't need to do any political favors for the Biden administration after what they've done to him. The unity is implied in the vote yesterday. In a way, Trump would be telling the country it was okay for the Biden administration to do what they did to him if he pardons Hunter. Just don't see that happening.
Apples and oranges. One is the President Elect and one is someone related to the current President. I doubt many democrats give a rat's ass about Hunter Biden - if he broke the law, he should face the consequences. In the past year or so I have seen almost no debate about that. I doubt many Republicans would apply the same standard to Trump. Biden might very well pardon his son, but it wouldn't make any of it right.
There is no way in hades that Joe Biden will leave office without pardoning Hunter Biden and any member of the Biden Crime Family who is under investigation. Joe Biden pardon Trump? LOL! This has a snowballs chance in hell. Biden is filled to the brim with his hatred for Trump. It's going to be interesting to see how the unwarranted lawfares Joe Biden instigated in the courts play out. NY will be overruled and dropped by the appeals court unless Merchan beats them to the punch and does it himself and the cases in Georgia and with Jack Smith will go away too. What a freaking mess fascist dictator Biden created in his administration.
I believe people saw through the weaponization of the law against political enemies. We are not China or N Korea. It is so easy in certain parts of this nation where someone can be convicted, railroaded by a jury made up of one party and find ways to convict. For government officials to say I'm going after DT as a platform is dangerous. There was a time in our country which was shameful, where you could arrest an innocent black man, try him with a jury who were made up of racist people and convict him. People could say see, he was found guilty in our court of law. BS. The left boast DT is a felon and this and that, but will turn a blind eye as to how easy it is to gain a conviction. It's no different than in communist countries who do the same thing. Yet, hate runs deep and like on this board people's hatred of DT will keep them blinded sadly.