She was a terrible candidate, absolutely. The dems didn't learn their lesson from Hillary. It's not just enough to have a woman on the ballot - she needs to actually be likable
You felt the same way in '16, only to watch us pull out of wars and enjoy a good economy. Get off the MSM, sir.
You’re struggling to respond. I can hear the stuttering thru your posts. Just enjoy the win for all Americans. You’re welcome libbie man.
more of a newsweek/reuters, bbc guy. No, in 16 he at least had some semblance of professionals around him serving as guard rails and a house that was willing to impeach him when he crossed lines. he will have neither this time.
Jeffrey Epstein on tape said Trump was his best friend for 10 years. How many photos do you need to see of them together, how many videos. Yes Clinton is a piece of shit too, but Trump is on another level. Somehow anyone that doesn't believe everything a known con man says is liberal? The entire global media, including in conservative countries, is liberal? Talk about burying your head in the sand.
Why do you like to speak for so many people? You disrespect those who see the world differently than you do. Your intolerance and lack of self awareness is noted.
I don't disrespect them. They're entitled to their opinions. But to think everyone who doesn't share your opinion is a "libbie" is a bit binary don't you think?
and failing at everything he ever did except pretending to be successful. If he just kept his inheritance from his father's real estate empire, he'd be worth more than he is today (outside of maybe DJT stock, which just shows you what he's all about - money and power).
We'll concede economy as soon as you give Reagan Clinton's economy. Didn't think so. You failed to address no wars or the border, though.
one where someone like Musk buys the main source of misinformation and amplifies it to help his new bro. look for spacex and some other musk companies to get nice new gubmnt contracts now
how many times have I said it on this chat? 7 times? I'm neither. Believe it or not there are more than 2 ways of thinking. It's shocking, I know.
oh of course. And somehow Musk talking to Putin for 2 years just gets swept under the rug. Remember when Russia was the US's enemy? Now those same people celebrate Putin and Russia.
yes and completely accurate. 1. he bought Twitter 2. He supported Trump Are you saying neither of those are true?