I for one will watch from afar while the whole shithouse goes up in flames the problem is Teflon Don won't take one ounce of accountability when it does
i love how the lefties totally ignore the fact that Trump was already president once and presided over a pretty darn good four years, minus covid. Back to the usual fear mongering, I see.
I still can't believe that someone who has failed at everything they've done (except a show where he pretends to be successful) is thought to be good for the economy, and that the living embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins is popular among the religious right. Just goes to show you how easily duped most people are. The world really is getting dumber by the minute.
See his first four years. Then compare them to Biden's/Harris' four. Only a far left progressive (which you are) would want Biden or Harris back in the WH.
He'll be the Secretary of Education. It would have been Jeffrey Epstein if he was alive. The My Pillow guy will be Secretary of State.
I'm neither, I'm not even American. Want to know a couple major differences since you probably never took an economics class in your life - the last 4 years have been under the highest interest rates this century vs very low interest rates under Trump - inflation was also something that the ENTIRE WORLD experienced after Covid. People like you don't understand that there's an entire global economy out there and that the Fed influences the economy at least as much as the president does. You're probably so ill-informed that you think Biden was responsible for high gas prices too, when the US produced more oil than ever under him. If you have zero idea how the economy actually works, please don't start trying to pretend that you do
as long as you take responsibilty for the next 4 years and don't blame the Dems, we'll all sit back and watch the house burn
Very good explanation of the problem with liberals …. and the MSM and its master, the DNC cabal. Thanks.