CNN calls it. Trump wins.
Democrats swept NC but voted for Trump. Not sure I can explain that. Basically 300k+ people voted straight Dem at the State level and Trump at National level. Gov Josh Stein (D) +800k Sec of State Elaine Marshal (D) +100k Attorney General Jeff Jackson (D) +150k LT Gov Rachel Hunt (D)+100k School Super Maurice Green (D) +150k Gerrymandered House goes 10-4 Pubs Trump (R) +200k
I’m not a fan of President Trump… but it is hard to look at the election and see the White House, both houses of congress, and the popular vote all go to the republicans and not think that America has spoken. Hopefully now we can swing back toward center. Trump can’t run again. America has spoken on not wanting the far left agenda. Now let’s start working back to the middle..
I’m still here and I admitted I was completely wrong. I don’t run away when I get things incorrect and stand and take the heat.
I'm thinking that would be the case but the Dems just spent 4 years bashing the "insurrectionists" so their appetite for that sort of activity will be muted. We'll see. People like George Soros who should be prosecuted for funding illegal immigration might want to lie low and not fund BLM/antifa types at this time
America had a very bad night. We elected as President a lying, convicted felon, adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter, who also tried to enact a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Now let's see how much damage he does. Grab some popcorn.
I am right there with you. I thought Kamala was going to win, but I am still here to eat some crow for being wrong.
Like I said months ago, people made up their minds about this election a year ago. Polls are BS. If pollsters don't back the Democrats they get fired in many cases. Polls are mostly Republican suppression tools Voter registration (Pub or Dem), party identity (do they identify as Pub or Dem) favorability and approval ratings done by solid pollsters tells a lot. Voters don't l8ke war/chaos abroad. They don't like chaos at home (illegal immigration/crime) and they don't like a crap economy. Everything predicted a Trump. win a year ago