There's not enough mail to overcome the deficit. If you extrapolated all the outstanding vote in PA, Trump wins convincingly. They just want to make sure before they call it.
I used to watch Maddow years ago just for the theatrics. It got to be too much, like she was trying for an Emmy every night.
Just reported that Trump has 118,000 votes lead in Georgia and there are 100,000 votes still outstanding. CNN kept repeating these numbers and saying the bulk of those remaining votes will break for Harris, but couldn’t draw the obvious mathematical conclusion.
Won my county and those around it. Of course these are the same voters that sent Madison Cawthorne to Congress.
They’ve been stuck on93% counted for and hour and a half. Maybe looking for those extra 50k Harris votes.
LOL, hell no. But I knew he'd win. And I said it repeatedly. When our nation even entertained the idea of electing someone who was adjudicated of sexual assault, who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, whose entire campaign was grievance and racist lies, who was a convicted was clear that the deplorable character of our nation (as a whole, obv not every individual) would carry this election. We'll get what we deserve. Grab some popcorn.
I remember the very first time I heard her while driving along in the car. She sounded interesting. After a few more times listening, however, it got to be too much. I kind of see her as the left wing mirror image of Sean Hannity. Both of them are arrogant and condescending. I can’t take very much of either of them. However, we recently listened to an episode of the radio show Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me where she was the special guest. She actually sounded like a decent human when not talking politics.