I voted for the Dem Harris. Retired General, combat vet and is coming off a stint in the defense attaché office to Israel. Actual combat vet. Nice guy with a positive message. I’ve had Enough of her stupidity.
This blows me away. The guy running against her was a man of substance- a retired General vs a barking seal. I made a small donation
Apparently people in NW Georgia sgree with her. Her opposition was a really good man with a weighty resume.
She has attached herself very tightly to trump. If he wins that will be difficult nigh onto impossible
I saw flashed on the screen that in one California congressional race, out of 120,000 votes the Democrat won by 9.
Do we have a projection on the numbers? The latest info I have is 3 Republican flips and 1 Democrat flip?!?
Latest update: Republicans pick up a seat in Pennsylvania. Now up a net of +6. Incumbants losing in 5 races, challengers up in 2 races.
House projection at Decision Desk HQ is holding steady at 222 republicans and 213 democrats. Kevin McCarthy was on Fox Business/News election coverage saying the republicans would gain seats after the lengthy vote counting process concluded, be patient. So far, so good.
That's pretty much the same.... There are only 212 Democrats today and 220 Republicans with 3 vacancies.
As of Friday morning, Decision Desk HQ continues to project the final house result as republican 222 and democrat 213. Apparently, republicans in California do make a difference.