Y'all see what I'm talking about? That lead in PA is growing and the outstanding vote is shrinking rapidly. Eventually, she can't mathematically pull it off and they have to call the state. But, they're slow to call GA and NC, so we'll see.
They know Trump is going to win. There is no rush for them to call what they already know is going to happen. What does it hurt them to wait for a bit to be 100% certain?
My Mexican ex mother in law went through the process to become a citizen. She too resented the short cutting of the system.
Unless somehow has EC math suggesting otherwise, this looks like it's going Trump's way.... Which is disappointing on soooo many levels.
Same here. No idea how most of america could vote for that buffoon, but then I remember that I am not representative of most of america, I really don't know what they're thinking or what their collective concerns are.
Raffenberger Just reported it’s mathematically impossible for her to win GA with the number of votes outstanding.
Some of the exit polling splits FNC is reporting are wild. Biden won voters under 30 by over 20 points, Kamala is winning them by roughly 5. Trump erased similar margins amongst Hispanic voters.
That’s where I live. Zero surprise. My only surprise is that Oregon and Washington weren’t called immediately like California was.