Well bomb threats at 32 different precincts in Dem heavy Atlanta had to make folks say f’ it. I’m going home. Curious that none of the threats were made to Republican heavy precincts. Probably coincidence
Way, way too early to call that. Not a single swing state has gone either way yet. Every state so far has gone pretty much as predicted.
If that happens, I agree that would be significant. Those would be the first real possibly decisive states of the night.
She did her naturalization process the legal way. She is damn proud of that. I helped her prepare for her naturalization test. She scored 100% and was proud of that. She resents anyone shortcutting the system and anyone allowing people to shortcut the system.
I’m sure there will be lots of mathematical analysis of the impact of the hoax bomb threats. It will be interesting to see if they actually made a difference the outcome in those states. I sure hope they didn’t.
I'm not sure what they are waiting on in Georgia and NC. She doesn't have the outstanding vote to catch him there. PA is coming in pretty good and his lead is holding there. I think this goes another hour or so and then we're done.
And Joyless Reid on MSNBC just said Harris lost Texas because of black voter suppression in Harris County. She's losing statewide by like 14 points but yeah it's voter suppression. The excuses are starting to add up.....
Every one of those states is trending his way and she’s doing worse than Biden statistically and from a data standpoint. It’s over, Trump is going to win the popular vote and may sweep the swing states , which I laughed at anyone on here saying was a possibility. I was way off on everything, crazy how it’s all materialized. The democrats have to take a long look at their party moving forward because 2024 Trump was an extremely beatable opponent.
You know, the “they” includes FNC. And “they” aren’t calling it because it’s too close to call right now. I do agree, though, that they’re both leaning Trump, which I would not have assumed.