Wow, this early from you. I remember 4 years ago you were the one talking about suburban Atlanta and Philadelphia and you were correct. Appreciate your input as always.
I think you need to look at this through a different prism. I think the southern states were always going to favor Trump. I do not think the Blue Wall states are easy to flip. Just because things started red in the south, does not mean that the wave will reach the Midwest.
lol. I always like the respectful guys. @HeyItsMe is showing out. That city guy is just soft. Maybe he can throw another bar graph at me.
Maybe ... NYTs is projecting that Harris didn't do enough in the early Penn results to carry the state... it's a narrow margin but I don't think she is coming back... Michigan now leaning Trump, too, very slightly.
Left wingers tossing around the term Nazi/white supremacist come to mind. Marginalizing uneducated people. Very inclusive of you. Of course they would never say stuff like that. I must be lying. Get over yourself already.
He's going to win Virginia. Most of the DC counties vote is in. The current statewide count is at 2.5 mill.. There were about 4.4 million votes in 2020. He still has plenty of room to run. Youngkin is optimistic.
Never fails to be interesting how you can remain so incapable of recognizing reality. White supremacists are totally in favor of Trump. And embraced by him. As are the small amount of Americans who could be considered Nazis. Nobody "tosses around any terms".....beyond speaking the truth. Such as that Trump's rhetoric mirrors that of Hitler. Simple reality.
Welp, looks like I'm gonna be a little poorer and absent for a year. Snatch brothers, please be sure to blow the money on something totally ridiculous
Its a rough life but someone has to marry these beautiful but crazy women. Otherwise they'd be forever lonely without us to save them