Presidential Election results here, please. And let's post actual results, not just sniping at each other. Thanks
Georgia, New Hampshire, Virginia and Florida close at 7pm. We may get an early indication where this is heading. If NH or VA goes red, or is even close, Kamala is done. If Florida or Georgia go blue, it’s over for Trump.
I meant NH or VA goes red or gets close. NH and VA have no business being red, but lots of reports there’s a strong GOP turnout. These states can be a shocker for tonight.
I don’t care about the senate at all. Just no Trump please. I’d blow a homeless dude if I could be guaranteed Haley as president right now.
Very confident in a Harris win, I’d say optimism is about 90% currently based on new data coming out of GA, MI, and PA. As long as she wins and Cruz loses to Allred, this will be a great night.
Just getting off work so didn’t have access to internet. Has Kamala conceded yet or is she not accepting the will of the people?
Well there’s the liberal lies. No one has data coming out of GA, MI or PA, unless you are talking about early voting. If so, then it shows a big GOP turnout. The only states officially reporting on today’s turnout, is AZ, FL and NV. All of these reports are showing GOP is dominating.