Early voted and walked right in at 6 pm on a Tuesday at the local library branch. For those who have a precinct in a school, do the kids not have class today or something? I don't think Florida uses schools for voting precincts.
That is good news for Trump I think. If I had to guess I would think if you combined Fulton, dekalb, and Cobb co I would think those 3 counties alone are +25 to +30 Harris correct?
That is a good question. I really don't know if the short lines are due to low overall turnout or a byproduct of early voting. I think low turnout in metro Atlanta favors trump.
Looks like an even split in party affiliation in Iowa but 10% more women. What does that mean? I have no idea. I think we need a master election thread.
Drove by a polling station and saw a full parking lot of cars but no line around the building. There were 3 Sheriffs vehicles there. I doubt anyone tries to interfere with the voters unless they want to go to jail. Sad that it’s come to that but glad my sheriff takes the right to vote seriously.
Just now drove by a polling station and a middle age cute blond gal was waving a Trump sign… Two other cars, also with cute milfs, waved and honked while slowly passing by. They were well to do, had nice hair and nice vehicles. Surprised me. Guess my wife isn’t the only one around here crazy on Trump.
I live in Fairfax County, Virginia. Very short line probably attributable to the combination of early in person voting and absentee ballots. Very similar to four years ago. I tried early in person voting in 2020 a couple of times and decided not to wait in line for a minimum of an hour probably longer. I was in line 10 minutes when I voted on election day. Today the line was even shorter probably less than five minutes. I would add that since I'm retired I have the luxury of voting in the middle of the day. Lines are much longer in the early morning and late afternoon.
Just voted about an hour ago. I'd say about 15 people voting and about 8 election workers. There was no line and in my 12 years living/voting here, there never has been one.
Only six people in front of me when I got to our polling place in DeKalb County, Ga., this morning. Done a few minutes later. Couldn't have been easier, shout out to everyone who feels like putting up with long lines for early voting.
A week or so ago, I took our ballots and their envelopes to the board of elections in Greene County, Ohio. Early voting had started. Teams from both sides were set up at the 100-foot limit away from the entrance to the voting place entrance. There was a steady stream of people heading in for early voting. I put our ballot envelopes in the collection box outside the board of elections. A car pulled into the handicap spot right in front of the collection box. I saw the passenger holding two ballot envelopes. I started to offer to take their ballots and deposit them in the box so they wouldn’t have to get out of the car, then I remembered the sticker on the top of the collection box saying it was against the law to handle someone else’s ballot without being registered with the county. So I smiled at them and kept walking. A guy passed me in the parking lot and saw that I had come from the ballot box. He said they need to have security on that box to make sure no funny business happens. I said they have cameras watching the box. He seemed quite surprised at that but pleased.