Wow... this is big news. WTH is she just now saying it? To keep Trump from being able to do say the same? Maybe she is trying to tweak that FL vote!
I’d be happy if the feds removed the banking/finance/etc. barriers to cannabis businesses that don’t impact other legitimate business but would be ok leaving purchase & sale regs to the states. Nonetheless, this is pro-individual freedom, so it’s a net positive IMO.
I think she was saying this since at least September but don't recall a lot of attention paid to it. Kamala Harris says she backs legalizing marijuana by Nathaniel Weixel - 09/30/24 1:36 PM ET Vice President Harris reaffirmed her support for legalizing marijuana Monday, speaking up on the issue publicly for the first time she became the Democratic nominee. “I just think we have come to a point where we have to understand that we need to legalize it and stop criminalizing this behavior,” Harris said during a nearly hourlong interview on the sports and culture podcast “All the Smoke” released Monday. **** As a senator, Harris co-sponsored legislation to end the federal prohibition of marijuana. When she was running for president in 2019, she called for expunging nonviolent marijuana-related criminal offenses, something the Biden administration has now implemented.
Now this is by far the most convincing signal I've seen that a campaign knows it's in trouble. You wait until 48 hours from the bell to announce this? Most people have already voted. It's just dumb.
I'm for it. As for it just being a ploy for votes - who cares. She could literally say that Trumpies were eating cats and dogs, and if that would get her more votes, I wouldn't care. Wait, that sounds strangely familiar.....
Like I said, not sure why she waited to be (more) public about it. More likely she is trying to squeeze a bit more out of the young vote. They have been slow to vote, so there is a lot of room here for her to get votes. NC doesn't have legal weed. FL has it on the ballot. Getting a surge of young kids on voting day could be the final nail in Bad Orange Guy's coffin. Could be she is also looking for that elusive Snoop Dog endorsement. She already got Willy's.
It’s a reiteration of her policy. Not some whacky change like no income tax on anything. I don’t like this policy but I’d have to run myself to align 100% with someone.
Could be, or it could also be a strategy. Young folks disproportionately vote late and want a reason to turn out, so save that til the night before to get some buzz (no pun) going into tomorrow.
Like most pot smokers, she must have kept it on the down low, because I sure hadn't seen it. I see above, others have pointed out it isn't new, but I've been following her pretty closely and wasn't aware.
It raises some gaping quandaries, such as: Why didn't you make it legal 3 and a half years ago? Are you sorry for holding marijuana offenders in prison longer than they were supposed to have been there? What led to this epiphany 2 days before the election? Which is why she announced it on Twitter.
Nor can she as POTUS, but that didn't stop her from the desperate attempt to make young voters think she could.