If the race roles were reversed on this one, it would be the lead story on every major tv network. I am sure I will get lambasted for stating this, but we all know it is the truth.
I had a cop cuff me back in college as well over nothing. Had to spend the night in a holding cell. Fun stuff.
The dude getting punched in the face with handcuffs used as brass knuckles is going to look rough. If he already looks like that immediately after, his face is going to look REKT in the coming days.
Well. You are mixed up. I didn’t post in any thread. And I’m not a mod I can’t erase threads. I appreciate the certainty with which you made a fool of yourself though.
Also, in INB4: Officer Brass Knuckles: ‐Two previous lawsuits settled due to his excessive force. - Numerous complaints -Fired from the previous 3 deprarments he worked at and resigned in lieu of termination from the forth before being hired on at JSO (Just a prediction)
My take on the video with the big guy is both sides were wrong. Cop tells you you got to go, you got to go. But credit for taking two tasings and still having some fight in you. But the cop went too far. Way too far. When the guy got tased the second time, the cop tries to shove him down the stairs. Then starts using his cuffs as brass knuckles. Big dude needs to do a weekend in jail with some required anger management classes. Cop needs to be fired, and do about 1 - 2 years in jail. The other video where the same cop is beating the crap out of an old(ish) man, that is just sick. Don't care what the old guy did, you don't put him in a head lock and start pounding him. That is pure bullshit.
I am sorry but you are wrong there are ways to subdue a non cooperative person without holding him to the ground and plummeting him with your fists. This was an elderly man at least fifty perhaps older who was not in great physical condition being beaten in the face while on the ground by a large young two hundred pound police officer who appears in excellent physical condition. This is how people get killed.
Not to give the dude too much credit, but I often get you mixed up with rivergator. Not sure why. Could be what he was doing too.
Hilarious. Someone deleted a thread that you took an outsides level of pride in contributing to and then you lashed out at this threads OP, me. You might need to define your worth outside posts on stadium fights dude. But at least you’re amusing.
Don’t the police learn any tactics or techniques on how to subdue someone other than a bunch of punches to the head?
Using my double secret Mod power to ban @95Gator from this thread. His posts will overshadow others’ posts. It’s too risky.