maybe I’m just a hopeless optimist but I think things will improve when Trump is gone and the GOP nominates someone who has some semblance of character.
I think the solution is for all the people who want to split the country to go find some other country that is more to their liking to live in. MAGAs should move to Russia or Hungary if they hate it here so much. We had a guy here a long time ago, GatorMoc or something, who loved to brag about his escape plan. Had an island somewhere that he was going to move to so he didn't have to pay taxes. I think that island was destroyed by a hurricane a few years back.
Nah, Better idea. Get all the libbies to move to California and eventually the state will drift off into the ocean.
California is affixed to the mantel. It doesn’t float. In fact there is barely water on this planet. Vaccines work too.
At least the crazies could have their own state/country. Instead of taking everyone else down with them.
This is literally the least likely outcome of the potential options. You think there would be a peaceful collective agreement if it ever got that bad?
From today's news: Local sheriff asks FBI to investigate death of Black man found hanging in Alabama Make sure you don't remember this story. It might be inconvenient for you in the future.
Are you sure that was a righties? I think there was a lefties that left for the islands and the. Got stuck after a hurricane and needed help getting back to Florida. Don’t remember who or all the circumstances but don’t remember him being a conservative at all.
Was this line from your article your point? "In Alabama, there were 359 reported lynchings between 1877 and 1943" I'd say Citygators statement is still wrong, even if you make his statement about citizens lynching people because of their skin color read in the 60s 1877-1943 still doesn't include the 60s.
I loved my time living in San Diego. You’d almost have to be crazy not to. I wouldn’t live in SF or LA for numerous reasons but have really enjoyed visiting those locations. The level of animus people have for a state that is the economic engine of our country and provides a lot of revenue to run our country is uncalled for.
I'm not even sure where the heck you were trying to go with this post. It really had nothing to do with my post. I have no idea why you say it may be inconvenient to me in the future. I'm not sure what it has to do with lynching for race and even if it does there is no proof of it and nothing even leading one to think it had anything to do with race and as of now it is listed as a suicide. As for the possibility of police misconduct there is nothing in the story leading to that conclusion except the mothers claims that a known druggie has been arrested multiple times some guilty verdicts some innocent. Even if the story turns out to be as you hope it does don't go pointing the finger at me for saying anything about it. You brought it up, made a big deal out of it and I don't care one way or the other about the story.
Yep, always amazed at the vitriol right wingers have for California. I heard some just yesterday in a conversation . Must be a fox thing I guess. The irony is that the state has as many Rs as Florida and more Rs than several deep south states combined.
I don’t foresee a civil war or a peaceful divide. One side will win, though, most likely the left who controls the means of cultural production in this country. Then when one side subjugates the other side we’ll live with the consequences of that just like the citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, etc did. Citizens on both sides of the political aisle will live with the consequences of that, and it will take a while for that reality to become clear especially to those who see themselves as being on the winning side since they defeated their opponents. That is how I see this playing out.
The red states like Texas and Florida would never agree to share the wealth with MIss ALA LA and all the other red statesThe poor red statesonly survive because of the income taxes paid by the higher educated wealthy blue states
and CA pays more into the fed that it gets back, which means, guess what: CA is subsidizing red states that despise CA. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.