I don't know what "side" you're on (but you just did it again), and I don't care. I don't immediately categorize everyone I interact with. It's part of not having politics be my morality and identity. Well, you brought up the idea. If it's not yours, that's fine. I never said you hate anyone. I think I used the term 'ones" or "ours" or something. You seemed to take it directly. Maybe because you view your politics as an identity? I'm just discussing it. I think it's a dumb idea. You havent countered my notion, just claimed victimhood. I'm happy to discuss. Which of my suggestions do you disagree with? Also, how exactly do we divide this country? I'll hang up and listen (go enjoy my Friday) Cheers.
Get your facts straight....Kent State shootings were around 1970 and I don't remember people being lynched due to race in the 60s. Possibly a rare occasion or two but I don't even know about that. 1% of the soldiers returning from Viet Nam described their return as being unfriendly and Women got the same respect they do today.
The question stems from the division here and the rhetoric from both sides. I posted the question for discussion. You all act like no country has ever split. Or as if we didn't have a civil war. It was also mentioned in the thread title as "peaceful". Nobody is even talking about a war. It's a question due to the overwhelming differences between the two parties idea for how they want to live their lives. Yet I've been greeted with vitriol and flame as if I'm a Trump fan trying to start a civil war. Ridiculous.
By the way, Dave that last sentence I erased wasn't about you. It was about some other people on here. Just in case you saw it before, I deleted it.
It's a good thing you did gatorchamps! Like so many others, I only read Too Hot for polite discourse, harmonic camaraderie, and full community agreement on all issues.
I don’t know man. You seem kinda angry to me. And then trying to finagle victimhood from the responses to what can be surmised as anger.
Although I cannot speak for him I do not consider most of Trump's voters deplorable. Like the "students" of Trump University they're victims of the greatest con man in history. I would add that they're also willfully ignorant the result of siloing themselves in echo chambers like Fox News and right-wing social media.
I do find it interesting this exact thread has been started 3 times in like the last year, and all 3 times by Trump supporters. Marinate on that
" . . . . even if Kamala takes office, she won’t be the most socialist or communist leader globally." True. Because she's neither a socialist nor a communist. That's just Trump BS.
I remember rush Limbaugh laughing about this long ago. Paraphrasing…. “ you could split the country 50-50 and even let the liberals pick the 50% they want…. and within a year they( left/libs) would be beating down the borders to come to the ‘Other side’ after they destroyed whatever half they picked. “
He was clearly in one of his many drug induced stupors, to have found that amusing. Also, you seriously allowed the words of that pill-popping hypocrite to pollute your airspace? Sad.
No I sincerely believe that when the old boomers who are driving this ridiculousness die off things will get better
because Rush was an expert in.... nothing A guy I went to high school with was his drug dealer for years, unfortunately my friend Greg died of an overdose before Rush died, otherwise he might've had stories to tell
Just look at this thread. You have to twist arms, pull teeth, tweak reality ("suspend disbelief" as it were), and fan the flame to keep the flicker alive--that is, for ppl to actually seriously entertain the notion. That's because we are actually, in reality, a whole lot closer in the real world, than on message boards or twitosphere, and famousphere, where ppl blow up outlandish takes for clicks and attention. If we hated in the real world like we hate on line, or like celebs and famous ppl hate, this country would have torn itself apart years ago, on the streets, in the cities and the sticks, and everywhere in between, in complete chaos. It just ain't so. Families have indeed splintered over politics, I'll grant you that, but families are and have always been, prone to splintering. On the streets, in bars, pubs, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, movies, malls, grocery stores, on and on... We carry on bidniz as usual, civility prevailing.. Cest la vie.
I actually agree with this. Unfortunately, we are guaranteed a boomer POTUS this election. May the winner be the last boomer POTUS ever. (No disrespect or disdain to boomers--lots of good boomer folk--but it's high time to move on).
Stop trying to erase our country’s history. And stop assuming southern Christian people are bad people. Oh wait, you guys cannot do it. You are a very nasty bunch and have forced some to actually turn to an orange fellow who fights back.
Nice. No. The progeny of these boomers actually feel similarly and don’t appreciate you casting them off so flippantly.
Rather than address DIVIDING our country, I'm going to address HEALING our country. In my opinion, the first thing we need to do is re-instate the Fairness Doctrine, which required the media to present both sides of issues. The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine under Reagon allowed the rise of Faux News, which openly LIES about issues. See the Dominion case. With the LIES spread by Trump and Faux News, millions of Americans believe that migrants are mostly hard-core, violent criminals. That's a LIE. Statistics show that migrants have significantly lower crime rates than U.S. citizens. With the LIES spread by Trump and Faux News, millions of Americans believe that Democrats are socialists or communists. That's a LIE. Democrats are capitalists, who want everyone to benefit, not just the top 1%. Does the media on the left lie? Yes, but nowhere near the frequency of the media on the right. It's my observation that when the media on the left gets caught in a lie, they retract the lie and issue a correction. When Trump or the media on the right get caught in a lie, they double down and keep repeating the lie. Again, see the Dominion case. RE-INSTATE THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE!!! Even with the media attempting to tell both sides, there will be right-leaning and left-leaning media. But, hopefully we can reduce the bald-faced LIES that are presented as facts and, after endless repitition, become accepted as fact by millions, thus dividing our nation.