What's the quote? "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." We'll I think the is number one billion and one times MAGA has shown us who they are. Twitter post from local news and link below that to CBS news story about a float featuring Harris impersonator being led in chains. Kamala Harris depicted as chained up during Pennsylvania Halloween parade, officials apologize for "allowing the offensive participants" - CBS Pittsburgh MT. PLEASANT, Pa. (KDKA) — Some participants in a Halloween parade outside Pittsburgh are being heavily criticized for their depiction of Vice President Harris in a float. Photos of the float in Wednesday night's parade in Mount Pleasant, in Westmoreland County, show a utility vehicle decorated with American flags and campaign signs for former President Donald Trump and people dressed as United States Secret Service agents with what appears to be a rifle mounted on top and with a person dressed as Harris chained up and walking behind the cart. KDKA-TV later learned it was a fake gun.
Gee, what a surprise, more MAGA morons suggesting Harris was the one behind the assassination attempt and should be locked up. Creative? No. Funny? No. Repugnant? Yes. Weird? Absolutely.
It's just for fun... Don't take it too seriously. That fat baby Trump balloon in London was funny... But your side calls Trump Hitler all the time, and Hitler was a genocidal mass murdering maniac, and you're okay with that, so... feigned outrage.
Say you don't own your own house, and have no money in the stock market without saying those things. The rest of us are looking at our assets and screaming, "No more winning Joe! I can't take any more winning!"
Fat Trump Balloon is redundant. You don’t need to type “fat”. Wishing someone was shot in the face and comparing the words they say to other maniacs are miles away. Reminds me of the reaction to Paul Pelosi. Laughing at violence.
He never said that... quit imagining things. The only person running for POTUS that was shot is Trump.
I own my own home and have money in the stock market. What exactly did she do that had any intact to those things?
If so, then those assets have nearly doubled for you over the last 4 years. And that is because the economy is rocking and rolling, and one thing is for sure, she and Biden had something to do with it. Chips act, Build Back Better act, Infrastructure Bill.
So once again, she gets all the blame for anything folks don't like about the Biden admin, but no credit for the good stuff. Got it.
I refrained from voicing my outrage, because even though the chains bit has some racist undertones, tbh things like the fat Trump balloon have occurred too. But for you, a grown man, to honestly not be able to differentiate between comparing the obviously similar (and frequently identical) words of Trump and Hitler.......and comparing them as people ....... may reflect upon intellect. That said, Trump and Hitler are actually quite similar in a number of important ways. They are both clearly extremely racist. Both are demagogues. Both told a veritable mountain of lies, in order to maintain a cult-like following. But this is digressing from my main point.