Take your righteous indignation elsewhere. He retweeted a call for a televise military tribunal for Liz. He said Milley should be shot for treason. He advocated the military be used to round up people like Schiff and other Democrats. Sure, the video is an out-of-context clip that triggers outrage. That's because it's so in character for him.
It's so sad your hatred of DT has blinded you so that no matter what he does good or bad you hate him. But it's understandable that when 90 percent of news coverage vilifies him then truth be damned. Once again, I'm wasting time on here because when people are filled with so much hate truth ceases to exist.
It's really weird you imply the hate is undeserved. Do you disagree he's a divisive, rapey, blowhard that wants to sic the military on people that disagree with him?
Yeah, I hate rapists, criminals, un-American traitors, people who attack our country....and people who inject violence into our political process. The real question is why you tolerate that. I couldn't know, I don't know you. Accepting help from Russia in an election is OK to you? Sexually assaulting women is no problem? Trying to overturn an election is no big deal? Your choices. Enjoy living with your moral code.
Ha, stop your truthism, these posters don't want truth they want DT vilified as usual. Doesn't matter if it's out of context, truth be damned. Let's use anything and everything to vilify DT you know the "Hitler, Fascist" guy.
Quit being such a victim. People are going to start weeping, because it's all so unfair..... .....not just to you, but to your billionaire criminal rapist.
First, are you suggesting Obama, Biden and Harris are not divisive? Again, please do your own research and think for yourself and I don't mean this as a put down. Look at context. Do you not think theirs bias in news sources? Do you not think any news program can choose to edit clips to promote their own agenda whether it's on the right or left? Context is everything. For a moment put aside your D or R and just strive to be honest and not allow others to think for you. If you can show me in full context where DT wants to sic people that disagree with him in jail then I will believe what you say. But the clip I saw was in context to rioters who seek to destroy property or loot or break the law.
It shows your picture... easy enough. Now here is where you have one last chance to take back some of those insults and you posted above.
like I said, you don't even know what a communist is. Probably don't know what a socialist is either. But probably complain about "communists" and "socialists" all the time. Typical know-nothing DJT supporter
Are you listening to yourself? Are you living in a bubble? You have no idea what a real conservative is who desires law and order and who loves family, country and God. I guess you don't follow the crimes committed by illegal aliens that are pouring through our border. Your Russia Russia Russia has been debunked. O the laptop, it's real. I will not waste anymore time with you when it's clear your mind is closed. By the way, do I like DT's childish ways? No. Do I think he's perfect? Absolutley not. But no one is, not Clinton, Bidden, Bush, Obama, Harris. Fact is, I prefer DT's policies over Harris's period. Have a nice day.
Lol... I will not play your child psychology games... clown. Just for fun, tell us five political policies that Harris is for, and the reason why you're voting for her.