That Atlanta game?!!? In the brand new stadium, with these 2 fanbases?!!? Never been to a Cocktail party... hoping my 1st was in Jax.... but I'll take Atlanta as my 1st experience
And that they want to maintain the half-and-half model of UF/UGA and sell a bunch of tickets (and hotel rooms) to the other team instead of the usual few thousand that travel to away games.
I'm glad the game is ultimately staying in Jax again. It's huge (the biggest and best event) for the City and convient for many Gator fans and the team. Only the Texas, Oklahoma contest rivals it. It's a unique event. I love it.
How much profit from ticket sales and concessions do we make on a sellout home game? If it’s more than $6M then it makes sense. I assume it isn’t and that’s why both teams have agreed to the neutral site as Kirby has been crying about losing a home game evert other year ever since he got there.
Not sure I agree with this, especially with the current state of the respective programs. UGA’s been itching to get back at us for hanging half a hundred on them at Sanford Stadium.
Per local rag, Gators have played 45 times in Tampa, including the 1919 Fla-Ga game (16-0 loss). Most recent game was vs USF in 2021. (42-20 win).
Three losing seasons and Benny Hill music in Ben Hill Griffen has got me wincing every time somebody says football.