I'm very pleased to see that, although you excuse make for a Trump-inspired violent person committing minimally verbal assault on apparently elderly poll workers, you are very very VERY upset by a thread title. May I compliment you on your decency, sir?
Are you mixing up people you are talking with again? This is multiple times. Do you have a Trump devil on your shoulder that you talk to and think the voice in your head is whoever your next victim is in real life?
I was actually returning to this thread to say I agree, the title is inaccurate. However, he was still saying shit that shouldn't be said. All it does is lead to more death threats and the possibility of an actual shooter taking action based on his "suggestions".
Sorry for calling you out then and I agree. He doesn't need to attack Liz. Not sure why he is focusing on her when Kamala is the big problem he has. He's going to get beat by her and it may be a landslide.
Trump is no pacifist. He just picks sides. He surrendered to the Taliban. He will give Putin half of Ukraine. He will keep sending weapons to Israel.
He can't help but punch back. A more scary reason could be that he really is going to go after his political opponents if he gets elected, and is laying the ground work now so his supporters think it is justified. He is also saying tons of stuff about Schiff being scum, etc. I hope you are right about the landslide. It feels that way... especially with the large numbers of prominent Pubs coming out and endorsing her. But only time will tell. No mater how it goes, expect Trump to try and cause chaos.
It's because he is undisciplined, unprepared, and unable to build and follow any plan to success. The dude is a lazy person who just wings it.
Is that the same Tucker Carlson who claims to have been attacked by a demon while in bed with his wife and four dogs?
I used to think that politicians use insane rhetoric to pander to certain voters. I now have come to the conclusion that when a politician tells you something crazy we should believe it.
Dont let Trump do this to you. Yes he is the worst one with regards to what we thought of other politicians. However, he will be gone and the normal politicians will still be liars and misrepresent themselves and their positions in the future. Don't give up the good fight!
I agree. I would also state that Republicans did similar with the Biden “bullseye” comment. They took it out of context and attempted to tie it to a call for an assassination. I don’t think Trump was calling for violence against Liz Cheney in this specific clip, nor was Biden literally saying that Trump should be in a shooting bullseye.
That's especially applicable to one politician whose cult-like supporters claim that he isn't really a politician.
I think this is all a conspiracy by the deep state. A lot of people were getting tired of the same career politicians, same families running our country. They wanted something new so the powers that really run the country/world were like, you want something different? How about this shit sandwich, you'll never want another non-politician again.
Trump called over half of the American people "vermin", said they were the "enemy within", and threatened military action. Trump said migrants are "animals who infest" and "poison our blood" and promised to deport millions whether legal or not. Trump said Haitians "ate pets". Trump's speaker said Puerto Rico is "garbage". Trump called African countries, Haiti and El Salvador "sh*hole countries". Trump delayed natural disaster recovery funds to areas that have a Dem governor. We could go on and on and on.
classic. Even more classic is that Dick's friend apologized to him for getting in the way of his bullet