At this point trump is just purposefully encouraging his followers into a mindset of disruption, breaking the process, and even violence in case he loses.
You meant... "long been" difficult to see how any decent person could support Trump. It's beyond "deplorable" at this point. He should probably be tried and locked up for sedition.
If this were reveresed you all would be losing your mind at the intellectual leap it takes to make this connection. You all sound ridiculous. He's clearly talking about sending her to war but lets not let common sense get in the way. There are plenty of real issues and real baggage you could focus on yet you all sound like my children misrepresenting something and doubling down on the stupidity just to not have to admit you're off base.
Decency supersedes policy. I don't care what party you belong to, I don't get out of the starting blocks if you can't meet that one simple criteria. I'm surprised at how many people do not think this way or convince themselves that all politicians are equal in comparison. Before 2016, this was never an issue for me and I could evaluate the policy of each candidate because they seemed to behave with a semblance of decency and respected the obvious constitutional foul lines. I had naively always thought this country was better than that.
Not a Trumpy, just use common sense instead of emotions. You know there are things other than Left/Right, Dem/Rep, Kamala/Trump. I've already said Kamala should and will be president over Donald Trump. Yet you are still here, repeating the same tired line over and over. Seek help. Have a thought for yourself.
I would be one of those RINOs in the Cheney camp but I also call it like I see it, formulating my own thoughts and opinions based on full context.
Twist and shout... not just lyrics in a song... This is a pathetic attempt to skew what was a hypothetical comment.
This is...umm....irresponsible and violent rhetoric that national political figures should not use. Hopefully your kids learn this. Also, hopefully enough people have the type of integrity that you indicate you lack, so that your children can grow up in a world void of political violence.
Common sense is that a national politician shouldn't approvingly speak of a political opponent being shot in the face. It's not that difficult. Your take is pathetic.
Its simple. Just use the same intellectual honesty as you expect from the other side. You hold the other side to a higher standard and then on the other hand you're running with an incorrect thread title with an incorrect assessment of what he said. Im sure you all are smart enough to not make this mistake but you're all emotional and want to misrepresent it for your benefit. It's ok, just own it.
If this had been said in 2016 it would have received extensive backlash. It’s taken eight years to get to this point. In many instances, his followers excuse it by literally saying, ‘People just don’t like his mean tweets.’ And now, we’re expecting violence and a disrupted voting cycle because of ‘his mean tweets.’
He didn't say "shot in the face" - again you are using the thread title and not listening to the actual sound bite. I get it, you work on emotions. Try to be honest with yourself sometime in your life.
Jokes and hypothetical scenarios are used against ONLY THE PUBS because we all know the Dems are part of the communist cancel culture haters. Only Dems can get a way with that... Typical communist... rules for thee, but not for me.
Agreed. I agree with what gatorchamps0607 said, that he wasn't trying to say she should be shot in the face. What's revealing is that I think the majority of us thought that was plausible given past behavior and speech. I'm just tired of the whole mean/hateful shtick.
Yes I watched the clip and get it. But he is talking about killing a political opponent and does so in specific terms. Why all this “oh he really meant….” It’s disappointing to see you excuse this type of speech especially in these times of heightened fears of political violence.
Very fair post! Even I saw it and was like, wow... that checks out. This is why I've said that Kamala should be our president. However, the more emotional ones on here see red and cannot get passed labelling anyone a racist, bigot or Trumpist if you don't straight up declare Trump is the second coming of Hitler.
By no means am I excusing this. The thread title is wrong. He was clearly talking about sending war hawks to war. Definitely in poor taste to mention anyone specific and his comments before that were worse than what you all are complaining about. He's a nasty person, he has no need to attack Liz personally.