Trump has literally run ads trying to bind Kamala to the outcomes of Biden’s presidency and that Kamala will just be a continuation of Biden’s presidency. So which way do you want it?
I don't know but man, whatever it was, just keep doing it! This is a blockbuster economy. Let's keep it going!
My portfolio is up 12% (I think, might be more) Value of my property has doubled US added a bunch of jobs Dow and Bitcoin higher than pretty much ever Economy seems pretty good to me, at least for now. I realize some of this is illusory, and inflation has something to do with this, but I'm not sure what people who look at this in good faith have to complain about (I'm sure someone will show up to tell me)
It's not good faith. These same people whined about the Obama economy and the day after Trump got elected he said how great the economy was doing under him and no one talked about it anymore.
So if the economy could be sold as in bad shape, you wouldn't be here blaming her? Saying things like "It's the economy, stupid" or derisively talking about how terrible "Bidennomics" are?
About the only people I can see having a legitimate beef are young 1st time homebuyers, and people who are long term renters who sink too much % of income into rent to ever get ahead. Not sure how they think politicians would solve those particular issues for them, but I can see their frustration. Obviously that shot of broader 2022 consumer inflation was low hanging fruit for the R’s to try and pounce on, but now it’s much more just about housing.
The ADP jobs report showed 233,000 private sector jobs added in October. We'll get the official government number tomorrow.
those that do not won property and do not invest int he stock market aren't experiencing the same "wealth effect" that we are. people 25 - 35 paying $2k a month for a modest 1 br apt and $12 for a cocktail on a night out are struggling. most of them also didn't experience the wage increases that white collar did.
Wanna thank someone for the a booming economy? Thank your customers and high five your mirror. Regardless, this is good news and SHOULD make us all happy
Agree for the most part but real wages have increased at a higher rate for low wage jobs than high wage jobs the last few years.
It is not uncommon for economies to perform really well against historical precedent when inflation is running high. Not every period of inflation is like the 1970s with stagflation. In fact, most inflationary periods occur because the economy is running... wait for it... too hot.
PCE decreases to 2.1%. Key inflation rate hits 2.1% in September, as expected, closing in on Fed target
Yes, when economies get over heated, inflation increases. So why is inflation decreasing in this economy? Every major economic metric is good right now. And inflation is decreasing.
I don’t care what Trump has run ads on. I’m asking what Kamala did to help the economy. If she gets credit tell me what she did to earn that credit. Other than being in the shadows for 3 years and stepping in for Biden when he quit.