That term doesn’t really mean much anymore in terms of any spiritual thing. It’s just a sociopolitical identity.
It seems that way, certainly by those christians who support, a man whose "message" is the polar opposite of Jesus's. Indeed, his CINO supporters have bastardized Christianity.
So you'll have low insurance rates until you are diagnosed with diabetes or cancer and then BOOM, none at all because you'll be in a pool so high, you can't afford it. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), around 27% of non-elderly adults in the US have a "declinable" pre-existing condition, meaning a health condition that could make them uninsurable in the individual health insurance market before the Affordable Care Act (ACA); this translates to approximately 54 million people
Had a buddy who was anti-ACA. Great guy. Unfortunately, he came down with pancreatic cancer. After several months he had to quit his job because he wasn't healthy enough to work. Lost his employer health care, but was able to get on an ACA policy. Before he passed he told me if it weren't for ACA, the cancer would have bankrupted him and his family.
I’ve remained with the employer I worked for to be in a group plan. (City of Tampa) When I retired my wife and I payed about $1600 per month for both of us combined. When we went into Medicare our premiums dropped to about $150 each for a PPO Medicare advantage plan. I could have purchased cheaper insurance elsewhere. The reason I didn’t is being part of a group plan you cannot be dropped or pay more if you are high risk or have a disease like cancer. I figured the security was worth the slightly higher premiums.
Sorry for your loss. I have pancreatic cancer now. Mine however is a neuroendocrine tumor that doesn’t kill you in a few months. I’ll have it cut out once it reaches 2.0 cm. Until then I’m going to enjoy life to its fullest. Headed to Vegas on the 18Th then off to Monterey and on to Big Sur to see my first giant redwood tree. God Willing off to Niagara Falls and an Alaska cruise early next year.
I am so sorry to hear that, Homer. Is there some reason that won't remove it now before it gets larger? I hope and pray this resolves well for you.
2.0 is the magic number, then out it comes via robotic surgery. What i’m hoping for is for it not to grow any more and become what they call non functional. My type tumor usually doesn’t metastasize and grows very slow. My next scan isn’t until March. I was excited when I found out it isn’t the bad stuff. Never thought I’d be glad to hear that news about cancer. lol I’m good, loving life and living large. Take care.
Republicans think anyone with a health problem has it because of poor decisions so they shouldn't have to pay for it.
Unbearably naive. They are planning on being no more elections Democrats can win if they get in power. They will turn the USA into Orban's Hungary and a complicit SCOTUS will let them.
I"m sorry for your loss. There are so many of those stories. I'll never forget the guy at the town hall with Paul Ryan who was a republican and told his story of how the ACA saved his life after a cancer diagnosis. He owned his own business and told his wife pre diagnosis, that he would never ever participate in "that socialist program". People can't relate until it happens to them or someone they love.
I don't know the difference between the cancers, but am glad they got yours before it was too late. It is a horrible disease. But none of us are promised tomorrow, so we all need to live each day to the fullest. Enjoy your travels! Alaska cruise next year is on my to-do list too.
I’m all for throwing out Obamacare. Now he just needs to me how the Speaker of the House intends to overcome the inevitable Democrat filibuster in the Senate.
Yeah, you already have insurance from the Government, what do you need with private insurance. Who cares about anyone else.