CNN — House Speaker Mike Johnson told a group of supporters on Monday night that Republicans will seek “massive reform” to the Affordable Care Act if Donald Trump is reelected — previewing a major piece of the GOP’s legislative plans for next year. During a campaign swing in Pennsylvania, the GOP speaker vowed that overhauling the 14-year-old health care law would be part of a “very aggressive” first 100-days agenda if Republicans win back control of the White House, according to a video of the event obtained by CNN. Johnson was speaking at a GOP campaign event at Trump’s volunteer headquarters in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. At one point, an attendee asked Johnson directly: “No Obamacare?” And the speaker, wearing a personalized Trump-Vance jacket, responded: “No Obamacare.” The ACA has positive favor ability. Both I and President Harris thank you Speaker Johnson for another October surprise.
Notice that he doesn't say what that reform will be. I honestly think that Obama broke the Republican Party by passing their healthcare reform ideas while not being them.
Now we just need a Pub in power to announce they are scrapping social security and replacing it with free seeds and garden implements.
They have “concepts” of a health care plan. They want to destroy the heath care system (Trump says he’ll let RFK Jr. ‘go wild’ on health and food in potential second term), economy (How would the economy look under a new Trump term? Elon Musk predicts 'hardship' from planned spending cuts) but Trumpers be like “immigrants are eating the cats”.
It will do us no good to say "I told you so" to the dweebs that vote for this crap and then are sorry. Just like the ones that voted for him the 1st and 2nd times , THEN saw the light.
It definitely hurt Romney in that he ended up having to run against what was largely his own policy in MA.
In short, this marks the beginning of incorporating pre-existing conditions into insurance pricing. Imo it won’t be an immediate change—likely to avoid political backlash—but steps will be taken to implement it over time. So basically - [if you pay for insurance or plan to retire before age 65 or self-employed or find yourself between jobs] AND [ever over 50 or have any health issues] you’ll likely see significant increases in your health insurance costs. This won’t happen overnight, but the shift is coming. not charging extra for pre-existing conditions has been a core feature of the ACA. “Vance said Trump’s health plan would focus on deregulating the insurance markets to “not have a one-size-fits-all approach that puts a lot of people into the same insurance pools, into the same risk pools” while also making sure that people have access to the doctors and care that they need.” Vance revives old GOP fights on ObamaCare insurance coverage
Good point. So many of his voters will be the ones who see significant increases or lose ins all together. I anticipate Trump admin will try to set it up so it won’t happen until he’s out of office.
It really is remarkeable, I’ve seen several Republicans referencing Kamala tax hikes. Hey dumbasses, when they passed the deficit exploding tax cuts the middle class portion were DESIGNED to expire in 2025. Republicans did that. You can expect if thay ever managed the position to unravel ACA, they’d similarly try to kick it down the road 3 or 4 years before putting in a poison pill. That way if they lost power “those demoncrats are taking your healthcare away!”. They have astonishingly little respect for their own constituents.
The implicit message from Johnson, Trump and the MAGA SuperPacs is that losing your health insurance is a price worth paying to protect your daughter from competing against a transgender athlete. The reality is that under a Trump Administration especially if the Republicans end up with majorities in both Houses of Congress is that the former is a very real possibility while the probability of the latter although theoretically possible is virtually nil.
I even have a slogan: "Give an aged, unproductive member of society a salad and you have fed them one meal; give them the stuff to grow a salad and you have pretty much shut them up forever."
The man claims to be a Christian, so that must be the Christian thing to do. Jesus must be turning over in his grave...I mean Heaven.